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1. An Introduction
1.1 Advancement for Youth: International Attention
1.2 Defining the Population
1.3 Educating the Population
1.4 The Number of Working for Youth in Select Countries
1.5 The Parts of the Book
Part I: Who are Adolescents?: The Foundation
2. The Cognitive, Psychological, and Social Development of the Adolescent
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Definition of Adolescence
2.3 The Model Figure 2-1 The Model
2.4 Psychological Development of the Adolescent Brain
2.5 Social Development of the Adolescent Brain
2.6 Conclusion
Part II: Country Cases: Realities of Yesterday and Today
3. Vocational Education in China: The Case of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Context for Present-Day Vocational Education
3.3 Non-Formal Vocational Education and the Non-Governmental Organizational System that Offers It: An Organizational Glance
3.4 Conclusion
4. Vocational Education in Italy: The Case of the Republic of Italy
4.1 An Introduction: The Context
Table 4-1 Italys labor market and education indicators from 2013-2018
4.2 The VET System
4.3 Inconsistencies in the Countrys VET System
4.4 Non-formal Education
4.5 The School Systems Apprenticeship Programs and the Labor Market. .

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