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Table of Contents
Invited Papers
Random-walk Based Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Diffusion State Distance
Model Reduction for Large Scale Systems
II Fractional Di_usion Problems: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications
Constructions of Second Order Approximations of the Caputo Fractional Derivative
Parameter Identification Approach for a Fractional Dynamics Model of Honeybee Population
A Newton's Method for Best Uniform Polynomial Approximation
Reduced Sum Implementation of the BURA Method for Spectral Fractional Diffusion Problems
First-order Reaction-diffusion System with Space-fractional Diffusion in an Unbounded medium
Performance Study of Hierarchical Semi-Separable Compression Solver for Parabolic Problems with Space-fractional Diffusion
Numerical Solution of Non-Stationary Problems with a Rational Approximation for Fractional Powers of the Operator
Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications
An Exact Schur Complement Method for Time-harmonic Optimal Control Problems
On the Consistency Order of Runge-Kutta Methods Combined with Active Richardson Extrapolation
Study the Recurrence of the Dominant Pollutants in the Formation of AQI Status Over the City of Sofia for the Period 2013-2020
One Solution of Task with Internal Flow in Non-uniform Fluid Using CABARET Method
Behavior and Scalability of the Regional Climate Model RegCM4 on High Performance Computing Platforms
Quantum Effects on 1/2[111] Edge Dislocation Motion in Hydrogen-Charged Fe from Ring-Polymer Molecular Dynamics
Degeneracy of Tetrahedral Partitions Produced by Randomly Generated Red Refinements
Effluent Recirculation for Contaminant Removal in Constructed Wetlands under Uncertainty: A Stochastic Numerical Approach Based on Monte Carlo Methodology
Sensitivity Study of Large-Scale Air Pollution Model Based on Modifications of the Latin Hypercube Sampling Method
Sensitivity Operator-Based Approach to the Interpretation of Heterogeneous Air Quality Monitoring Data
Using the Cauchy Criterion and the Standard Deviation to Evaluate the Sustainability of Climate Simulations
Multidimensional Sensitivity Analysis of an Air Pollution Model Based on Modifications of the van der Corput Sequence
Running an Atmospheric Chemistry Scheme from a Large Air Pollution Model by Using Advanced Versions of the Richardson Extrapolation
Application of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Problems
New Clustering Techniques of Node Embeddings Based on Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Forecasting Dow Jones Stock Index
Optimal Knockout Tournaments: Definition and Computation
Risk Registry Platform for Optimizations in Cases of CBRN and Critical Infrastructure Attacks
Influence of the ACO Evaporation Parameter for Unstructured Workforce Planning Problem
binMeta: a New Java Package for Meta-heuristic Searches
Synergy between Convergence and Divergence - Review of Concepts and Methods
Advanced Stochastic Approaches Based on Optimization of Lattice Sequences for Large-Scale Finance Problems
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach for Outsourcing Provider Selection in a Refinery
Quantitative Relationship Between Particulate Matter and Morbidity
Advanced Discretizations and Solvers for Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations
Decoupling Methods for Systems of Parabolic Equations
Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications
Random Lifting of Set-valued Maps
Höolder Regularity in Bang-Bang Type Affine Optimal Control Problems
Simultaneous Space-time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
A New Algorithm for the LQR Problem with Partially Unknown Dynamics
Tensor and Matrix Factorization for Big-Data Analysis
Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations - a Tensor Approach
Nonnegative Tensor-train Low-rank Approximations of the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation
Boolean Hierarchical Tucker Networks on Quantum Annealers
Topic Analysis of Superconductivity Literature by Semantic Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Machine Learning and Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Predictive Simulations
Deep Neural Networks and Adaptive Quadrature for Solving Variational Problems
A full order, reduced order and machine learning model pipeline for efficient prediction of reactive flows
A Multiscale Fatigue Model for the Degradation of Fiber-reinforced Materials
A Classification Algorithm for Anomaly Detection in Terahertz Tomography
Reduced Basis Methods for Efficient Simulation of a Rigid Robot Hand Interacting with Soft Tissue
Structured Deep Kernel Networks for Data-Driven Closure Terms of Turbulent Flows
HPC and Big Data: Algorithms and Applications
On the Use of Low-discrepancy Sequences in the Training of Neural Networks
A PGAS-based Implementation for the Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Comparison of Di_erent Methods for Multiple Imputation by Chain Equation
Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Eigenvalues Using Error Balancing
Multi-Lingual Emotion Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
On Parallel MLMC for Stationary Single Phase Flow Problem
Numerical Parameter Estimates of Beta-uniform Mixture Models
Large-Scale Computer Simulation of the Performance of the Generalized Nets Model of the LPF-algorithm
Contributed Papers
A New Error Estimate for a Primal-Dual Crank-Nicolson Mixed Finite Element Using Lowest Degree Raviart-Thomas Spaces for Parabolic Equations
A Finite Volume Scheme for a Wave Equation with Several Time Independent Delays
Recovering the Time-Dependent Volatility in Jump-Diffusion Models from Nonlocal Price Observations
On the Solution of Contact Problems with Tresca Friction by the Semismooth* Newton Method
Fitted Finite Volume Method for Unsaturated Flow Parabolic Problems with Space Degeneration
Minimization of p-Laplacian via the Finite Element Method in MATLAB
Quality Optimization of Seismic-derived Surface Meshes of Geological Bodies.
Random-walk Based Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Diffusion State Distance
Model Reduction for Large Scale Systems
II Fractional Di_usion Problems: Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Applications
Constructions of Second Order Approximations of the Caputo Fractional Derivative
Parameter Identification Approach for a Fractional Dynamics Model of Honeybee Population
A Newton's Method for Best Uniform Polynomial Approximation
Reduced Sum Implementation of the BURA Method for Spectral Fractional Diffusion Problems
First-order Reaction-diffusion System with Space-fractional Diffusion in an Unbounded medium
Performance Study of Hierarchical Semi-Separable Compression Solver for Parabolic Problems with Space-fractional Diffusion
Numerical Solution of Non-Stationary Problems with a Rational Approximation for Fractional Powers of the Operator
Large-Scale Models: Numerical Methods, Parallel Computations and Applications
An Exact Schur Complement Method for Time-harmonic Optimal Control Problems
On the Consistency Order of Runge-Kutta Methods Combined with Active Richardson Extrapolation
Study the Recurrence of the Dominant Pollutants in the Formation of AQI Status Over the City of Sofia for the Period 2013-2020
One Solution of Task with Internal Flow in Non-uniform Fluid Using CABARET Method
Behavior and Scalability of the Regional Climate Model RegCM4 on High Performance Computing Platforms
Quantum Effects on 1/2[111] Edge Dislocation Motion in Hydrogen-Charged Fe from Ring-Polymer Molecular Dynamics
Degeneracy of Tetrahedral Partitions Produced by Randomly Generated Red Refinements
Effluent Recirculation for Contaminant Removal in Constructed Wetlands under Uncertainty: A Stochastic Numerical Approach Based on Monte Carlo Methodology
Sensitivity Study of Large-Scale Air Pollution Model Based on Modifications of the Latin Hypercube Sampling Method
Sensitivity Operator-Based Approach to the Interpretation of Heterogeneous Air Quality Monitoring Data
Using the Cauchy Criterion and the Standard Deviation to Evaluate the Sustainability of Climate Simulations
Multidimensional Sensitivity Analysis of an Air Pollution Model Based on Modifications of the van der Corput Sequence
Running an Atmospheric Chemistry Scheme from a Large Air Pollution Model by Using Advanced Versions of the Richardson Extrapolation
Application of Metaheuristics to Large-Scale Problems
New Clustering Techniques of Node Embeddings Based on Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms
A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Forecasting Dow Jones Stock Index
Optimal Knockout Tournaments: Definition and Computation
Risk Registry Platform for Optimizations in Cases of CBRN and Critical Infrastructure Attacks
Influence of the ACO Evaporation Parameter for Unstructured Workforce Planning Problem
binMeta: a New Java Package for Meta-heuristic Searches
Synergy between Convergence and Divergence - Review of Concepts and Methods
Advanced Stochastic Approaches Based on Optimization of Lattice Sequences for Large-Scale Finance Problems
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach for Outsourcing Provider Selection in a Refinery
Quantitative Relationship Between Particulate Matter and Morbidity
Advanced Discretizations and Solvers for Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations
Decoupling Methods for Systems of Parabolic Equations
Optimal Control of ODEs, PDEs and Applications
Random Lifting of Set-valued Maps
Höolder Regularity in Bang-Bang Type Affine Optimal Control Problems
Simultaneous Space-time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
A New Algorithm for the LQR Problem with Partially Unknown Dynamics
Tensor and Matrix Factorization for Big-Data Analysis
Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations - a Tensor Approach
Nonnegative Tensor-train Low-rank Approximations of the Smoluchowski Coagulation Equation
Boolean Hierarchical Tucker Networks on Quantum Annealers
Topic Analysis of Superconductivity Literature by Semantic Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Machine Learning and Model Order Reduction for Large Scale Predictive Simulations
Deep Neural Networks and Adaptive Quadrature for Solving Variational Problems
A full order, reduced order and machine learning model pipeline for efficient prediction of reactive flows
A Multiscale Fatigue Model for the Degradation of Fiber-reinforced Materials
A Classification Algorithm for Anomaly Detection in Terahertz Tomography
Reduced Basis Methods for Efficient Simulation of a Rigid Robot Hand Interacting with Soft Tissue
Structured Deep Kernel Networks for Data-Driven Closure Terms of Turbulent Flows
HPC and Big Data: Algorithms and Applications
On the Use of Low-discrepancy Sequences in the Training of Neural Networks
A PGAS-based Implementation for the Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
Comparison of Di_erent Methods for Multiple Imputation by Chain Equation
Monte Carlo Method for Estimating Eigenvalues Using Error Balancing
Multi-Lingual Emotion Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
On Parallel MLMC for Stationary Single Phase Flow Problem
Numerical Parameter Estimates of Beta-uniform Mixture Models
Large-Scale Computer Simulation of the Performance of the Generalized Nets Model of the LPF-algorithm
Contributed Papers
A New Error Estimate for a Primal-Dual Crank-Nicolson Mixed Finite Element Using Lowest Degree Raviart-Thomas Spaces for Parabolic Equations
A Finite Volume Scheme for a Wave Equation with Several Time Independent Delays
Recovering the Time-Dependent Volatility in Jump-Diffusion Models from Nonlocal Price Observations
On the Solution of Contact Problems with Tresca Friction by the Semismooth* Newton Method
Fitted Finite Volume Method for Unsaturated Flow Parabolic Problems with Space Degeneration
Minimization of p-Laplacian via the Finite Element Method in MATLAB
Quality Optimization of Seismic-derived Surface Meshes of Geological Bodies.