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Security and Privacy
Software and application security
Non-intrusive and privacy preserving activity recognition system for infants exploiting smart toys
Human-centered Computing - Ubiquitous and mobile computing
Co-design the acceptability of Wearables in the Healthcare field
Evaluations on Pending Regulation on Ethical Review Measures for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects and Artificial Intelligence
Integration of Wearable, Persuasive, and Multimedia Design Principles in Enhancing Depression Awareness: A Conceptual Mode
Information Systems-Information retrieval
A Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques applied to Renal-Cell Carcinomas
Predicting Diabetes Disease in the Female Adult Population, using Data Mining
Not Just A Matter of Accuracy: A fNIRS Pilot Study into Discrepancy between Sleep Data and Subjective Sleep Experience in Quantified-Self Sleep Tracking
Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using CNN
Pulp Stone Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques
Identification of Drug-Drug Interactions Using OCR
Applied computing - Physical sciences and engineering
Patients behaviour monitoring inside a hospital garden: comparison between RADAR and GPS solutions
IoT-Enabled Analysis of Subjective Sound Quality Perception Based on Out-of-Lab Physiological Measurements
CS-Based Decomposition of Acoustic Stimuli-Driven GSR Peaks Sensed by an IoT-Enabled Wearable GAIToe: Gait Analysis Utilizing an IMU for Toe Walking Detection and Intervention
Applied computing-Life and Medical sciences 16 Prediction of Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease using 3D-DWT and PCA
DIY Wrist-Worn Device for Physiological Monitoring: Metrological Evaluation at Different Band Tightening Levels.

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