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Part I - The abiotic environment
Chapter 1 - Climate variability and change in Patagonia region
Chapter 2 - Patagonian sea: the physical environment
Chapter 3 - Geological changes in coastal areas of Patagonia
Part II - The biota in Patagonian coastal waters
Chapter 4 - Life in the Patagonian seas through geological time
Chapter 5 - Towards an understanding of the functioning and structure of plankton from Patagonia under a global change scenario: Lessons from univariable to mutivariable approaches
Chapter 6 - Marine macroalgae in a changing world: what do we know and what do we still need to know
Chapter 7 - Impact of global change on invertebrates
Chapter 8 - Fishes changes in marine ichthyofaunas off Patagonia: species composition, biogeographic and functional patterns
Chapter 9 - Long-term population trends of Patagonian marine mammals and their ecosystem interactions
Chapter 10 - Long-term ecology studies in Patagonian seabirds: the case of the Imperial Cormorant, the Magellanic Penguin and other key species
Chapter 11 - Ecological Interactions
Part III - Human beings in Patagonian coasts
Chapter 12 - The evolution in the utilization of sea resources by hunter-gatherers of Central Patagonian coast during the Holocene
Chapter 13 - Fisheries and aquaculture in Patagonia: status trends and future perspectives
Chapter 14 - The relationship of Patagonian societies with the sea, influences in their development and contributions to their wellbeing
Chapter 15 - Futures of Patagonia: urban and tourist prospective in the next Anthropocene
Chapter 16 - Conservation of coastal environments.

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