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Strategy & Standards
A maintenance management improvement framework for asset management
Case study critique of ISO 5500x-based auditing and certification
Continuous quality improvement and business performance: The mediating role of physical asset management
A strategic asset management framework for improving transport infrastructure: analysis for Belgian land transport modes
Sustainability & Resilience
A sensorless daylight harvesting approach using calibration to reduce energy consumption in buildings
Resilience rating system for buildings against natural hazards
A framework for gamification to encourage environmentally friendly driving habits
Assessing the economic and environmental effects of gravel recycling during gravel road maintenance
Revisiting agricultural technologies in the 4IR era
Speed of Innovation Diffusion in Green Hydrogen Technologies
Servitization & Industry 4.0
Overview for Leasing or Buying Decisions in Industrial Asset Management
Creating value and business benefits from joint offerings of asset performance management tools in the capital-intensive industries
The Journey towards Successful Application of Maintenance 4.0 and Service Management 4.0
Risk, Reliability & Maintenance
Methodology for optimizing preventive maintenance programs for equipment on an electrical distribution network
Pragmatic performance management
How to build an optimal long-term asset renewals and modernization plan driven by quantified cost/risk/performance value
System for Early Detection of Insulation Failures of Electric Machinery
Turnaround Maintenance in Process Industry: Challenges and Potential Solutions
Modelling the effect of maintenance-induced failures from periodic testing of safety-critical equipment in the oil and gas industry
Asset Information Systems
Facilitating change towards predictive maintenance
An Intangible Asset Management Proposal based on ISO 55001 and ISO 30401 for Knowledge Management
The potential for digital twin applications in railway infrastructure management
Digital twins in asset management: potential application use cases in rail and road infrastructures
Asset Management Decisions
Proposition of a generic decision framework for prescriptive maintenance decision-making: An application to the automotive sector
Asset Information Management Systems: Critical Success Factors in the Brazilian Electricity Sector
Benchmarking Asset Information Quality of a Utility Company in Brazil
The Value of Business Process Management to Understand Complex Asset Management Processes
Towards evidence-based decision making in asset management
Probabilistic technico-economic analysis of hydroelectric power unit operation and maintenance including prognostic
Condition Monitoring & Assessment
Condition Assessment of Engineered Assets in era of Society 5.0
Model proposal for failure detection and classification of internal combustion engine operating condition
Fault diagnosis and isolation for diesel engine combustion chambers based on Autoencoder and BP neural network
Asset Management and Energy Efficiency Improvements in a Critical Environment - The Case of a University Bioterium
Determination of Water Content in Heavy Fuel Oil Using a Relative Permittivity Meter
Particulate matter monitoring in Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Failure detection and isolation by LSTM autoencoder
Condition-Based Inspection Grouping Policy for Boiler Heat Exchanger Tubes
Developing a lubrication oil age prediction model
Railway track geometry degradation modelling and prediction for maintenance decision support
Efficient Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks for Sensor Data Analysis based on a Genetic Algorithm
Application of Frequency Division Multiplexing and Neural Networks in the Operation and Diagnosis of the Stator Current and Shaft Position Sensors used in Electric/Hybrid Vehicles
Machine learning based prediction of fatigue events in railway rails
Online temperature estimation of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) using non-linear autoregressive neural networks with exogenous input (NARX).

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