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1. Introduction
2. Edward Lamburn and a Classical Education
3. William and Mr Brown
4. Clara Crompton and her Family in Bury
5. William, Mrs Brown and Mothers in Crompton
6. Royal Holloway College, the First World War and Womens Suffrage
7. Birth of Auntie and the Story of a Marriage
8. Birth of Richmal Crompton and William Brown
9. More than Auntie Richmal, the Spinster
10. Polio in Summer 1923
11. Birth of Violet Elizabeth and Introducing William-Lite Characters
12. Growing Up
13. On Stage and in Literary London
14. Richmal Crompton, the Wanderer
15. On the Home Front with William and Richmal
16. William, Flawed Hero
17. William Becomes a Postwar Hero on TV and Radio
18. Richmal Crompton in Her Own Words
19. William, At Home and Abroad
20. Writers' Homage to Crompton and William.

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