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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Part I: Meet the Kinect
Chapter 1: Mixed Reality and Kinect
A Brief History of Mixed Reality
Natural User Interfaces
Kinect Sensor Anatomy
The RGB Video Camera
The Depth Sensor
The Microphone Arrays
The IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope)
The External Sync Pins
Enhancing Kinect with Azure
Key Points
Chapter 2: The Developer Toolbox
Overview of the Microsoft Azure SDK
Azure Kinect Sensor SDK
Sensor SDK System Requirements

The Kinect Viewer
Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK
Body Tracking SDK System Requirements
The Kinect Body Tracking Viewer
Setting Up the Development Environment
Unity3D and Visual Studio
Bringing It All Together
Key Points
Part II: The Basics
Chapter 3: Configuring the Device
Adding the Kinect SDKs in Unity3D
The Azure Kinect Binaries
Managed C# Binaries
Native C++ Binaries
The Machine Learning Models
Running in the Editor
Deploying Your Unity Application
Mastering Azure Kinect: Source Code
Starting and Stopping the Device

Basic Device Properties
Kinect Device Configuration
Handling Invalid Configurations
Receiving Captures
Reading Data
Key Points
Chapter 4: Color Data
Structure of a Color Frame
The BGRA32 Color Format
The MJPG Color Format
Displaying Color Data in Unity3D
Specifying the Color Configuration
Reading Kinect Color Data as BGRA32
Reading Kinect Color Data as MJPG
Key Points
Chapter 5: Depth Data
Structure of a Depth Frame
Narrow and Wide Fields of View
Displaying Depth Data in Unity3D
Depth Configuration and Data
Grayscale Depth Visualization

Jet Depth Visualization
Ambiguous Depth Cases
Too Close to the Camera or Too Far from the Camera
Object Edges
Moving Objects
Key Points
Chapter 6: Body Tracking
The Technology of Body Tracking
The New Azure Kinect Approach
Structure of a Human Body
Joint ID
Joint Confidence Level
Joint Position
Acquiring Body Data
Tracker Initialization
Tracker Update
Constructing Body Objects
Tracker Release
Displaying Body Data in Unity3D
Key Points
Part III: The Magic
Chapter 7: Streaming Data in the Background
Creating a Data Package

Creating the Streaming Class
Starting and Stopping the Device
Streaming Data in a Background Thread
Updating the Main Thread
Using the KinectSensor Class
Key Points
Chapter 8: Coordinate Mapping
Coordinate Systems
2D Coordinates
3D Coordinates
Coordinate Mapping
Coordinate Transformations
World to Color
World to Depth
Color to World
Depth to World
Color to Depth
Depth to Color
Using the Coordinate Mapper Class
The Complete Coordinate Mapper Class
Key Points
Chapter 9: Augmented Reality: Removing the Background of the Users

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