Linked e-resources


Welcome Address from the Founder of RAAD, Jadran Lenarčič
Robot Modeling and Identification
Geometric Identification of Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters with Optical Measuring System
1 Introduction
2 Kinematic Parameters
3 Experimental Identification of DH Parameter
3.1 Experimental Setup
3.2 Results
4 Conclusion
Kinematics of the "Ai-Gerim" Robot Arm
1 Introduction
2 Direct Kinematics
3 Inverse Kinematics
4 Conclusion

Singularity Robust Inverse Kinematics of Serial Manipulators by Means of a Joint Arc Length Parameterization
1 Introduction
2 Kinematics in Terms of Path Parameter
2.1 Forward Kinematics
2.2 Inverse Kinematics
3 Kinematics in Terms of Arc Length
3.1 Arc Length Parameterization
3.2 Numerical Solution of the Initial Value Problem
4 A Singularity-Consistent Sampling Scheme
5 Simulation Results
6 Conclusion and Outlook
Simulation of the Effects of Backlash on the Performance of a Collaborative Robot: A Preliminary Case Study
1 Introduction

2 Dynamic Model of a UR5 Collaborative Robot
2.1 Moto-Reducers
2.2 Sensors
3 Simulations Results
4 Conclusions
Modeling and Analysis of an S-Shape Link for an Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm
1 Introduction
2 Problem Formulation
3 S-Shape Link Design and Analysis
3.1 Discretized Modelling
3.2 Augmentation of Compliance Matrix
4 Conclusion
References s
Parallelized Forward Kinematics Using Product of Exponentials in PyTorch
1 Introduction
2 Forward Kinematics Using Product of Exponentials
3 Parallelization Approach
3.1 Vector to so(3)

3.2 so(3) to Vector
3.3 Vector to se(3)
3.4 MatrixExp3
3.5 MatrixExp6
3.6 Full Product Implementation
4 Results
5 Conclusion
Simultaneous Calibration and Stiffness Identification of Flexible Link Robots Using Lumped Parameter Model
1 Introduction
2 Lumped Parameter Model
2.1 Kinematic Model
2.2 Dynamic Model
3 Parameter Identification
4 Results
5 Conclusion
Analysis of the Singularities Influence on the Forward Kinematics Solution and the Geometry of the Workspace of the Gough-Stewart Platform
1 Introduction

2 Mathematical Model of the Platform
3 Analysis of the Singularities Influence on the Forward Kinematics
4 Analysis of the Influence of Singularities on the Geometry of the Workspace
5 Conclusion
Perception and Learning
Structure Synthesis for Extended Robot State Automata
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Marking Formalism
4 Algorithms
5 Experiments
6 Conclusion
Intuitive Optimization of Kinesthetic Programmed Trajectories for Fiber Spraying
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Optimization of Kinesthetic Programmed Trajectories

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