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Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction
1.Diversity of caterpillar adaptations in a complex evolutionary landscape
Part 2: Impacts of the first trophic level, plants, on caterpillar ecology and evolution
2.Surface warfare: Interactions between caterpillars and plant structural defenses
3.Role of host plants in mediating caterpillar-natural enemy interactions
4.Reciprocal impacts of plant defenses and host choice by Lepidoptera in Neotropical rainforests
5.Molecular ecology of caterpillar salivary defenses against host plants
6.Ecology and evolution of secondary compound detoxification systems in caterpillars
7.Comparative caterpillar host plant interactions in agricultural and wildland systems: what can comparisons tell us?
8.Caterpillars drive patterns of growth and top-down suppression of competing phloem-feeders across diverse environments
1.Diversity of caterpillar adaptations in a complex evolutionary landscape
Part 2: Impacts of the first trophic level, plants, on caterpillar ecology and evolution
2.Surface warfare: Interactions between caterpillars and plant structural defenses
3.Role of host plants in mediating caterpillar-natural enemy interactions
4.Reciprocal impacts of plant defenses and host choice by Lepidoptera in Neotropical rainforests
5.Molecular ecology of caterpillar salivary defenses against host plants
6.Ecology and evolution of secondary compound detoxification systems in caterpillars
7.Comparative caterpillar host plant interactions in agricultural and wildland systems: what can comparisons tell us?
8.Caterpillars drive patterns of growth and top-down suppression of competing phloem-feeders across diverse environments