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Chapter 1. Terrorism Impact on Public Debt and Government Borrowing Cost: New Empirical Evidence from Long Run Relationship in MENA Countries
Chapter 2. Digital gaps and economic inequalities in MENA countries: An Empirical Investigation
Chapter 3. Assessing the determinants of capital flight from Tunisia: An ARDL Investigation framework
Chapter 4. Assessing Macroeconomic, Distributive and Environmental Impacts of Energy Subsidies Removal in Tunisia with Input-Output Modeling
Chapter 5. Remittances, Income inequality and Brain Drain: An Empirical Investigation for the MENA Region
Chapter 6. Digital Divide and External Trade Liberalization in the MENA Region: A theoretical and Empirical investigations
Chapter 7. The Relationship Between Money Laundering and Economic Growth in the MENA Region A Simultaneous Equations Model
Chapter 8. The Institutional Approach to Financial Development: Panel Study for the MENA Region. .

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