Linked e-resources


Section 1: Introduction to the Concept of Universities
The Historic and the Contemporary University: Myth and Reality by Deborah C. Poff
Universities as Institutional Constituents: Local and Internationalise Citizenship by Greg Shailer
The Idea of a University: Experiences from the Field by Susan Clark
Bending without Breaking: The Role of Higher Education in a Changing Society by Jennifer L Kisamore
The History and Nature of University Governance, Leadership and Management by Deborah C. Poff
The Problem of Domination and Subjugation in the Context of Doing Management in University Settings by Scott Grills
Universities and Corporate Social Responsibility by Deborah C. Poff. Service Leadership as the Backbone of University Social Responsibility by Daniel T.L. Shek
Mission-Oriented Values as the Bedrock of University Social Responsibility by Loreta Tauginiene
Section 2: The Faculty, the Students, the Role of Spirituality in the University and Research
Academic Freedom and the Good Professor by J. Angelo Corlett
Professoriate and its Relationship to Academic Freedom and Tenure by Deborah Poff
Faculty as Organizational Change Agents. Organizational Revolutionaries by Cam Caldwell
Progress and Regress: Diversity, Inclusivity and Incivility in the Political of Epistemological Transformation by Deborah Poff
Commentary, Critique and Trolling: Academic Responsibility in the Online World by Virginia Barbour
Preparing Future Citizens: Why University Teaching Needs to Change by Judith Lapadat
Students and the Importance of Citizenship to Service Learning By Milad Mohebali, Cassie L. Barnhardt and Laila I. McCloud
Christian Humanism and Catholic Universities by Domenec Mele
An Islamic Perspective on Ethics in Educational Research by Imran Mogra
Knowledge Creation and Dissemination: Introduction to the Role of Knowledge Creation and Dissemination by Deborah Poff
The Ethical Responsibility of Researchers in the Sciences and Social Sciences by Phillip Goernert
Living in a Material World: Doing Research Ethics and Research Integrity in the Enterprise Culture by Mark Israel
Corporate Social Responsibilities in Universities through Liberal Education aimed at Sustainable Development by Alex Michalos
Universities as Agents of Human Rights By Cassie L. Barnhardt
The University and Social Justice by Frank Cunningham
Gender Equality and the University: Work in Progress by Maureen Kilgour
University Education as a Hope for Gender Justice in the World by Deborah Poff
Summary Discussion and Recommendations by Deborah Poff.

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