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Chapter 1 Drawing the lines, knowing the borders. An overview of recent scholarship on boundary-making and modern regimes of territorialization
Part I. Boundary Treaties and Joint Commissions: Theoretical Foundations and Praxis on the Ground
2. Modern State Sovereignty as Geometric Purification of Territory. Delimitation Theories and Practices in the 1864 Spanish-Portuguese Boundary Treaty
3. Delimitation of the Spanish-Portuguese Border and the Controversy over La Contienda
4.From a Line on a Map to Realities on the Ground. The French-German Joint Boundary Commission at Work (1871-1877)
5. Mexican Geographer Engineers and the Demarcation of Mexico's Borders
Part II. Contesting the Naturalness of Borders. Cartographic Practices, Geographical Knowledge and Territorial Issues
6. Borders on Paper, Borders on the Ground. Boundary Commissions Under the Treaty of Madrid and Their Role in the Reinvention of the Rio de la Plata Frontier (1752-1759)
7. Rights of Use vs. Natural Boundary: Demarcation of the Iraty Forest Massif (Western Pyrenees, 17th-19th Centuries) 8. A Water Borderline Adrift Between France and Spain. The Bidasoa and the Bay of Higuer at the End of the 19th Century
9. Demarcation of the Border of the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco (1913-1931): Chronicle of Failure
Part III. Concluding Essay
10. Borders at the Global Turn.

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