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Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study of Stress
Stress: Historical Perspective and Evolution of the Concept
Stress in Daily Life: Stressors and Adaptive Responses
The Good and the Bad: Eustress, Distress and Learned Helplessness
Homeostasis, Allostasis and Allostatic Load
Acute and Chronic Stress: The Road Map to Trauma or Resilience
Chapter 2: Neurobiological Approach to Stress
Stress from the Environment to the Brain
Neural Structures and Neurotransmitters Involved in Adaptive Responses to Stress

Psychoneurobiology of the Limbic System: Amygdala and Hippocampus
Neurobiology of the Hippocampus and Associated Structures
Neurobiology of the Amygdala and Associated Structures
Neurocircuitry and Psychoneurobiology of the Prefrontal Cortex
The Raphe Nuclei and the Serotonergic System: The Role of Serotonin (5HT)
The Reward System and Dopaminergic Pathways: The Role of Dopamine (DA)
The Locus Coeruleus and the Noradrenergic System: The Role of Norepinephrine (NE)
The Role of Neurotrophic Factors: Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis

Brief Introduction to Molecular Genetics and Transcriptional Regulation
Regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Molecular Biology of the HPA Axis: The Role of the CRF System
Molecular Biology of the HPA Axis: The Role of Cortisol and Its Receptors
Chapter 3: Psychological Approach to Stress
Cognitive Processing of Stress: Perception and Working Memory
Cognitive Processing of Stress: Appraisal and Coping
The Role of Cognitive and Emotional Resources
Stress, Trauma and Resilience: Cognition and Emotion

Developing Controllability: The Road Map to Resilience
Stress in Early Periods of Life: Vulnerability or Controllability
Chapter 4: Clinical Approach to Stress
The Role of Stress in the Development of Fear and Anxiety
Stress, Anxiety and the Development of Anxiety Disorders
Psychoneurobiological Bases of Fear and Anxiety
The Amygdala and the Fear Circuit in the Brain
Neurobiology of Innate Fear Programming
Neurobiology of Fear Conditioning
The Role of the Amygdala and the BNST in the Regulation of the HPA Axis

The Role of the PVN in the Regulation of the HPA Axis
The Role of the Amygdala and the Hypothalamus in the Regulation of the ANS
The Role of the Locus Coeruleus and the Noradrenergic System in Stress
The Role of the Raphe Nuclei and the Serotonergic System in Stress
The Role of the Reward Pathway and the Dopaminergic System in Stress
The Role of Stress in the Development of Depression
Chronic Stress and the HPA Axis: The Role of Glucocorticoids
Genetic Vulnerability: The Role of Polymorphisms
Inflammatory Processes: The Role of Cytokines

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