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Part 1: The Market Revolution
Chapter 1: Conservative Ascendancy : The 'Internal Market
Chapter 2: New Labours Initiative-Itis: A Missed Target
Chapter 3: The Coalition Governments Blunder: The Lansley Reform
Chapter 4: The Cost Of The Market
Part 2: A Corrective Counter-Revolution
Chapter 5: Counter-Intuitive Tories: The Health And Care Bill
Chapter 6: Left Behind: Opposition To The New Approach
Part 3: Covid Crisis
Chapter 7: Catastrophic Policy: A Reckless Regime
Chapter 8: Living With Covid?
Chapter 9: The Reckoning
Part 4: How Much Pressure Can The Nhs Take?
Chapter 10: Toxic Cocktail: A Hangover From Austerity, The Pandemic, Brexit And Social Care
Chapter 11: Real Reform?.

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