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1. Chad Oliver and forests as complex systems; Melih Boydak
Section I. Complex Forest Stand Dynamics
2. Principles of stand reconstruction to illuminate stand dynamics of complex forests in Alaska; Bob Deal
3: Forest stand dynamics principles used to guide the management of uneven-aged forest in the Missouri Ozarks; Dave Larsen
4: Forest stand dynamics and the curious case of the critically endangered Leadbeaters Possum; Patrick Baker
5: Modelling and mapping complex stand structures with airborne LiDAR; John Kershaw
6. How might the concepts of traditional stand dynamics be used for more complex stands; Bruce Larson
Section II. Forests as Complex Ecological Systems
7. Integrating effects of climate on temperate montane forests; Pil Sun Park
8. Carbon++: integrating non-CO2 forcers in our understanding of forests and climate; Kris Covey
9. Understanding post-wildfire fuel dynamics in dry forests of the Pacific Northwest; Morris Johnson
10. Understanding forestry through pictures: A journey of graphics, pictures, and visualisations; Jim McCarter
11. The inertia of forested landscapes and applications to management; Jeremy Wilson
Section III. Forests as Complex Social Systems
12. Tiger in the woods, elephant in the room; Xuemei Han
13. Forests as complex systems: Implications from the perspective of sustainable development; Glenn Galloway
14. Securing forest tenure for rural development; Gerardo Segura
15. Understanding the dynamics between forests and livelihoods: A case of Central Indian landscapes; Alark Saxena
16. Closing comments; Chad Oliver. .

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