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Chapter 1: The sweep of Iran sanctions: Its essence and Eastern entanglement
Chapter 2: Sanctions reverberate: Stoking up political allegiance
Chapter 3: Targeting the lifeline: Oil and energy security in trouble Chapter 4: In other partys terms: Frozen oil funds
Chapter 5: Clogged up: The world of non-oil banking and credit matters
Chapter 6: The minefield for moneymakers: Investment in a fluctuating land
Chapter 7: Tipped to profit: The non-stop gravy train of trade
Chapter 8: Not impervious to pressure: Teetering technology transfer
Chapter 9: Arms embargoes: Military and security adjustment
Chapter 10: Cracks in the ivory tower: Academic and cultural repercussions
Chapter 11: Looking East or looking elsewhere: Fault lines of international orientation
Chapter 12: The empire strikes back: Smuggling and bypassing sanctions
Chapter 13: The West and the East on the lookout: Tracking a tangled web of sanctions-busting
Chapter 14: Iran and East Asia in retrospective and prospective: The staying power of sanctions.

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