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Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Thucydides on Thucydides Trap: A Reading with the Emphasis of Middle Powers and its Application in the East Asian Context
Chapter 3. Roles of Middle Power in East Asia: The Perspective of Network Theories of World Politics
Chapter 4. Emerging Powers and a Middle Power: U.S.-China Competition and South Korea in Cyberspace
Chapter 5. The Dilemma of South Korea as a Middle Power With Regards to the Conflicts Between the United States and China in the South China Sea
Chapter 6. The Inter-network Politics of Cyber Security and Middle Power Diplomacy: A Korean Perspective
Chapter 7. Power Shift, Power Diffusion, and Middle Power Diplomacy: MIKTA and Changes in Global Governance
Chapter 8. Unpacking the Domestic Political Foundation of Middle Powers: Ups and Downs in South Koreas Middle Power Diplomacy toward China.

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