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1 Introduction: multimodality and intermediality in the north. By Juha-Pekka Alarauhio, Tiina Raisanen, Jarkko Toikkanen, & Riikka Tumelius
Part-1.Mediating Work and Education
2. A design-driven approach to language teacher education in the era of digitalization. By Riikka Tumelius, Leena Kuure, & Maritta Riekki
3. Bad news delivery as an interactional context for constructing professional identities and social relations: multimodal approach. By Tiina Raisanen & Tuire Oittinen
4. Multimodal negotiation for the right to access digital devices among elderly users and teachers. By Joonas Raman
5. Zooming in on a frame: collectively focusing on a co-participant's person or surroundings in video-mediated interaction. By Mari Holmstrom, Mirka Rauniomaa, & Maarit Siromaa
Part-2. Mediating Arts and Culture
6. Voicing a Northern minority culture on a global and digital arena: Sami music videos on YouTube. By Annbritt Palo, Lena Manderstedt, & Outi Toropainen
7. Global participation in the North Exploring the issues of silent participation and building a zone of identification in a hostile digital environment. By Matti Nikkila
8. Light and darkness: Transmediality in recent self-identification and construction of the Finnish North. By Katja-Maria Miettunen & Jussi Jalonen
9. Transmediality and Multimodality in the Artistic Work of Nils-Aslak Valkeapaa. By Kuisma Korhonen & Veli-Pekka Lehtola
10. Imaginations in the north: cross-modal communication in Johan Ludvig Runebergs The Moose Hunters and Matthew Arnolds Balder Dead. By Juha-Pekka Alarauhio
11. Endless North: Intermedial experience of motion and balance in H. P. Lovecrafts The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. By Jarkko Toikkanen.

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