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Part I. General Principles
Concepts and Strategies of Surgery
Mechanical Basics of Operative Technique
Incision, Exposure, Closure
Dissecting and Suturing
Surgical Stapling: Principles and Precautions
Control of Bleeding
Management of the Contaminated Operation
Damage Control Laparotomy
Mechanical Basics of Laparoscopic Surgery
Rational Use of Drains
Illustrated Glossary of Surgical Instruments
Surgical Documentation, Informed Consent, and Operative Note
Part II. Esophagus
Concepts in Esophageal Surgery
Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy
Transhiatal Esophagectomy
Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy for Achalasia
Endoscopic Stent for Management of Esophageal Leaks
Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Laparoscopic Magnetic Augmentation of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair
Laparoscopic Collis Gastroplasty
Endoscopic Anti-Reflux Procedures
Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Achalasia
Part III: Stomach and Duodenum
Concepts in Surgery of the Stomach and Duodenum
Truncal Vagotomy: Surgical Legacy Technique
Proximal Gastric Vagotomy: Surgical Legacy Technique
Pyloroplasty (Heineke-Mikulicz and Finney), Operation for Bleeding Duodenal Ulcer: Surgical Legacy Technique
Partial Gastrectomy Without Lymphadenectomy
Perforated Duodenal Ulcer
Laparoscopic Plication of Perforated Duodenal Ulcer
Enteral Access
Distal Gastrectomy with D2 Nodal Dissection
Total Gastrectomy
Management of GI Stromal Tumor of the Stomach
Exposure of the Third and Fourth Portions of the Duodenum
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Laparoscopic Reoperative Bariatric Surgery
Endoscopic Intragastric Balloon
Part IV. Small Intestine and Appendix
Concepts in Surgery of the Small Intestine and Appendix
Small Bowel Resection and Anastomosis
Enterolysis for Intestinal Obstruction
Baker Tube Stitchless Plication: Surgical Legacy Technique
Appendectomy (Open, Laparoscopic)
Management of Appendicostomy for Malone Antegrade Continence Enema (MACE)
Management of Enterocutaneous and Enteroatmospheric Fistulas
Stricturoplasty in Crohn Disease
Placement of Feeding Tube Jejunostomy
Creation of Ileostomy (Loop, End)
Closure of Loop Ileostomy
Management of Problems Related to an Existing Continent Ileostomy
Part V. Large Intestine
Concepts in Surgery of the Large Intestine
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) in Colorectal Surgery
Endoscopic Techniques for Colorectal Lesions
Right and Extended Right Hemicolectomy (Open, Laparoscopic)
Sigmoid Resection and Left Hemicolectomy (Open, Laparoscopic)
Discontinuous Colon Resection (Hartmann Procedure)
Total Mesorectal Excision/Low Anterior Resection (Open, Laparoscopic)
Abdominoperineal Resection (Open, Laparoscopic)
Multivisceral Resections (Pelvic Exenteration)
(Sub-)Total colectomy with Ileostomy or Ileo-Rectal Anastomosis (Open, Laparoscopic)
Proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) or end ileostomy (Open, Laparoscopic)
Cecostomy: Surgical Legacy Technique
Creation of Transverse Colostomy (Loop, Prasad-type)
Laparoscopic versus Open Creation of Sigmoid Colostomy (Loop, Prasad-type, End)
Closure of Temporary Loop Colostomy or Ileostomy
Hartmann Reversal (Open, Laparoscopic)
Surgeries for Large Bowel Obstruction
Surgery for Colonic Fistula to Bladder, Vagina, or Skin
Abdominal Repair of Rectal Prolapse and Pelvic Organ Descent (Open, Laparoscopic)
Part VI. Anus, Rectum, and Pilonidal Region
Concepts in Surgery of the Anus, Rectum, and Pilonidal Region
Office Procedures for Internal Hemorrhoids (Sclerotherapy, Infrared Coagulation, and Rubber Band Ligation)
Excisional Hemorrhoidectomy (Ferguson, Milligan-Morgan, Whitehead)
Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy/-opexy
Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation
Surgical Management of Anorectal Abscess and Fistula
Rectovaginal Fistula Repair
Rectourinary Fistula Repair
Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy with/without Fissurectomy for Chronic Anal Fissure
Anoplasty for Anal Stenosis
Perineal Operations for Rectal Prolapse
Operations for Pilonidal Disease
Overlapping Sphincteroplasty
Sacral Nerve Stimulation for Fecal and Urinary Incontinence
Transanal Local Excision of Rectal Lesions (TEMS, TAMIS, TAE)
Part VII. Hepatobiliary Tract
Concepts in Hepatobiliary Surgery
Open Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Open and Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration
Choledochoduodenostomy: Surgical Legacy Technique
Transduodenal Diverticulectomy
Hepatic Resection
Part VIII. Pancreas
Concepts in Surgery of the Pancreas
Partial Pancreatoduodenectomy
Total Pancreatoduodenectomy
Distal (Left) Pancreatectomy
Operations for Pancreatic Pseudocyst
Pancreaticojejunostomy for Chronic Pancreatitis
Part IX. Spleen
Concepts in Splenic Surgery
Open Splenectomy for Disease
Operations for Splenic Trauma
Laparoscopic Splenectomy
Part X. Hernia Repairs, Operations for Necrotizing Faciitis, Drainage of Subphrenic Absess
Concepts in Hernia Repair, Surgery for Necrotizing Fasciitis, and Drainage of Subphrenic Abscess
Shouldice Repair of Inguinal Hernia
Coopers Ligament (McVay) Repair of Inguinal Hernia
Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia
Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: Transabdominal Preperitoneal (TAPP) and Totally Extraperitoneal (TEP) Repairs
Operations for Recurrent Inguinal Hernia
Femoral Hernia Repair
Operations for Large Ventral Hernia
Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
Operations for Infected Abdominal Wound Dehiscence, Necrotizing Fasciitis, and Intra-abdominal Abscesses
Part XI: Breast and Melanoma
Concepts in Breast Surgery
Excision of Benign Palpable Breast Mass
Excision of Ducts, Operations for Breast Abscess
Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer
Mastectomy: Simple (Total), Modified, and Classical Radical
Skin and Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy and Axillary Staging for Breast Cancer
Concepts in Melanoma Surgery
Wide Local Excision and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Melanoma
Axillary Lymphadenectomy for Melanoma
Superficial and Deep Groin (Femoro-inguinal and Pelvic) Dissection
Part XII. Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal, Parotidectomy, and Tracheal Procedures
Concepts in Thyroid, Parathyroid and Adrenal Surgery
Neck Dissection for Thyroid Cancer
Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy
Open Adrenalectomy
Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy

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