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Chapter 1. Improved sterilization techniques for successful in vitro micropropagation
Chapter 2. Selection and preparation of explants for the clonal propagation of horticultural plants in plant factory systems
Chapter 3. Use of alternative components in cost-effective media for mass production of clonal plants
Chapter 4. Novel plant growth regulators in in vitro establishment of horticulture and plantation crops
Chapter 5. Potential role and utilization of Piriformospora indica: fungal endophytes in commercial plant tissue culture
Chapter 6. Application of biostimulants in establishing and acclimatizing in vitro-raised plants
Chapter 7. Nanomaterials and plant tissue culture: Developmental path and contradictory facts
Chapter 8. Somatic embryogenesis in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)
Chapter 9. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in horticultural crops
Chapter 10. Prospect and commercial production of economically important plant mulberry (Morus sp.) towards the upliftment of rural economy
Chapter 11. Assessing the genetic stability of in vitro raised plants
Chapter 12. Improvement of plant survival and expediting acclimatization process
Chapter 13. Evaluation of genetic stability of in vitro raised orchids using molecular based markers
Chapter 14. Recent in-vitro propagation advances in Genus Paphiopedilum Lady Slipper Orchids.

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