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Preface and Introduction
About the Editors
Part I Sensors and Measurements
1 Recent History of Experimental Structural Dynamics
1 Introduction
2 Timeline History
3 Technology Developments
3.1 Sensors
3.1.1 Resistance Technology
3.1.2 Bonded Strain Gage Technology
3.1.3 Piezoelectric Crystal Technology
3.1.4 Inductance and Capacitance Technology
3.1.5 Optical Technology
3.2 Data Acquisition
3.2.1 Analog Technology
3.2.2 Digital Technology

4 Experimental Structural Dynamics Methods 1965-1985
4.1 Classification Methods
4.2 Data Acquisition Classification
4.2.1 Sinusoidal Input-Output Method
4.2.2 Frequency Response Function Method
4.2.3 Damped Complex Exponential Methods
4.2.4 Mathematical Input-Output Model Method
4.3 Summary
5 Conferences
5.1 ISMA
5.2 IMAC
5.3 Other Conferences
6 Publications and Books
7 Pioneers/Contributors
7.1 Pioneers: Experimental Structural Dynamics
7.2 Contributors: Handbook
7.3 Contributors: SEM IMAC
7.3.1 IMAC Advisory Board
8 Summary/Conclusions

4 Sensor Systems
4.1 Sensor System Architecture
5 Signal Conditioning
5.1 Types of Amplifiers
5.2 Filters
5.3 Analog-to-Digital Conversion
6 Other Considerations
6.1 Grounding
6.2 Cabling
6.3 Ground Loops
6.4 Triboelectric Effects
6.4.1 Connectors
7 Data Validation
7.1 Examples
3 Laser Doppler Vibrometry Measurements in StructuralDynamics
1 Theory of Vibrometry
1.1 Lasers Sources and Doppler Effect
1.2 From Interferometers to Vibrometers
1.2.1 Optical Homodyne and Heterodyne

1.2.2 Michelson Interferometer
1.2.3 Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
1.2.4 Self-Mixing
1.3 Demodulation of Doppler Signals
1.4 Noise and Resolution
1.5 Critical Aspects in Laser Vibrometry
1.5.1 Backscatter Issues
1.5.2 Speckle Noise
1.5.3 Measuring in Media and Through Windows
1.6 Signal Enhancement Approaches
1.6.1 Tracking Filter
1.6.2 Diversity Combining
1.7 Uncertainty and Calibration
1.8 Laser Safety and Standards
2 Instrumentation, Measurement Issues, and Applications
2.1 Single-Point Vibrometers
2.2 Optical Fiber Vibrometers

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