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Introduction: Critical planning and design: Walking through roots and dissenting imaginations
Part 1: Roots
Giancarlo Paba's trilogy of Luoghi comuni (Common Places, 1998), Movimenti urbani (Urban Movements, 2003), Corpi urbani (Urban Bodies, 2010): Influential Italian "critical planning" thinking
Ildefonso Cerdà, Teoría General de la Urbanización, 1867: An innovative approach
L'Ordine politico della Comunità (The Political Order of Community) 2014: Concrete community and territorial principle in Adriano Olivetti's thought
All the layers of an ecological commitment at the frontier: Ian McHarg, Design with Nature, 1969
L' Architecture de survie (1978) is back talking to EU cities in crisis: The provocative message by Yona Friedman as a key for the present and future urban agenda
Part 2: Planning pathways
John Friedmann, The Good Society (1979): Panning pathways for a just society
David Harvey's Urbanization of Capital (1985): Why it helped me so much
A place in the world? Places, Cultures and Globalization, 1995. Doreen Massey's lessons: Is the world really shrinking or is the geography of the world teaching us openness and diversity?
Patsy Healey and Collaborative Planning (2005): Re-thinking democracy in the "reasoning in public" arena
Utopian tension: Sandercock's inspiring journey "Towards Cosmopolis" (1998)
Zwischenstadt Inbetween city. Thomas Sieverts, Cities Without Cities: An interpretation of the Zwischenstadt, 2004
Part 3: Conceptual frames
Inquiry and change: The troubled attempt to understand and shape society, 1990: The radical contribution of Charles E. Lindblom's self-guiding society and probing volitions
Rediscussing Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia, 1974
Property titles to land and issues of distributive justice
Blade Runner, 1982. Do Androids dream of electric sheep?- Philip K Dick's science fiction and Maschinenmenschen in Metropolis
Max Weber, Die Stadt (1922), English edition, Max Weber, The City, edited and traslated by Don Martindale and Gertrude Neuwirth, The Free Press, 1958
Antonio Gramsci and the prison notebooks
Le droit à la ville, 1968: Reading Lefebvre's the right to the city in planning perspective
The trouble with Henri: The production of urban space- from theory to research
Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, Mille Plateaux, 1980: "The good use of philosophy"
Georges Didi-Huberman, La survivance des lucioles (2009). The thickness of time: going beyond the surface of the present to understand contemporary territories.

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