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Full Papers.
Rapid Prototyping of Business Rule-based Systems with Controlled Natural Language and Semantic Web Software
- Agile Innovation Through Business Process Management: Realizing the Potential of Digital Transformation.
Requirements for Dynamic Jumps at the Execution of Business Processes
Results from the Verification of Models of Spectrum Auctions
Context-Aware, Intelligent Musical Instruments for Improving Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes
Detecting Data Incompatibilities in Process-Driven Decision Support Systems
Semantic Relations of Sub-Models in an Enterprise Model
VR-EA+TCK: Visualizing Enterprise Architecture, Content, and Knowledge in Virtual Reality
A Case of Social Dynamics & Social Relativism
Advantages of a Formal Specification of a Case: From Informal Description via Formal Specification to Realization
An Architecture for Attesting to the Provenance of Ontologies Using Blockchain Technologies
Trends for the DevOps Security. A Systematic Literature Review
Short Papers
Errors in the Process of Modeling Business Processes
Use Cases for Augmented Reality Applications in Enterprise Modeling: A Morphological Analysis
On the Context-Aware Servicing of User Needs: Extracting and Managing Context Information Supported by Rules and Predictions
Towards Identification and Modelling of Privacy Requirements with Systems Thinking a Reference Architecture for User-Oriented Open Government Data Portals
KnowGo : An Adaptive Learning-based Multi-Model Framework for Dynamic Automotive Risk Assessment
OSRM-CCTV: CCTV-aware Routing and Navigation System for Privacy and Safety
CCTV-Exposure: System for Measuring User's Privacy Exposure to CCTV Cameras
Computer Model for Assessment and Visualization of Specific Absorption Rate of Electromagnetic Field, Generated by Smartphone.

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