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Chapter 1: Introducing Feminism and Fandom
1.1 The I in Belonging: Introducing Identity and the Literature on Belonging
1.2 The I in Feminism? Finding Oneself in the Feminist Community
1.3 There Is No I in Fandom: Gatekeeping in Science Fiction Fan Communities
1.4 Bringing Feminism and Fandom Together
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Terminology
1.7 Structure of the Book
Chapter 2: Becoming a Feminist Fan
2.1 "Just like falling in love": Becoming a Fan
2.2 Practicing Fandom: A Labor of Love?

2.3 From Feminist Mothers to Emma Watson: Becoming a Feminist
2.4 "Before I didn't care, and now it's a lot of work": Practicing Feminism
2.5 Conclusions: Feminist Versus Fan Labor
Chapter 3: Being a Feminist Fan
3.1 "I can't stand here with you, because you don't see me": Marrying Feminism and Marginalized Ethnicities
3.2 "Into these boys' things": Marrying Fandom and Gender
3.3 "I'm told it's a white thing": Marrying Fandom and Ethnicity
3.4 "They're not making it for us": Marrying Fandom and Age
3.5 Conclusions: Identities in Crisis

Chapter 4: Belonging as a Feminist Fan
4.1 "How dare they?! With their breasts?!": Gatekeeping of Women Fans
4.2 "Can you move over?": Gatekeeping of Women Fans of Marginalized Ethnicities
4.3 "Someone's mom": Gatekeeping of Older Women Fans
4.4 Conditional Belonging: Proof of Connoisseurship
4.5 Conditional Belonging: The Silencing of Feminism
4.6 Conclusions: Belonging in Crisis
Chapter 5: Representing Women and Feminism in Fandom
5.1 Princess Leia/Slave Leia/General Organa: When Sexism Meets Ageism

5.2 Rose Tico and Martha Jones: When Sexism Meets Racism
5.3 The 13th Doctor: When Change Meets Backlash
5.4 Conclusions: Does Representation Matter?
Chapter 6: Reconciling Feminism and Fandom
6.1 "Nothing is perfect": Reconciling Fandom and Feminism Through Narrative Tactics
6.2 "Bloody patriarchy, let's write some fanfic to correct it": Reconciling Feminism and Fandom Through Practice Tactics
6.3 Conclusions: Living a Fannish, Feminist Life
Chapter 7: Finding a Space(ship) of One's Own

7.1 What Can We Learn from the Case of Feminist Women Fans?
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Looking Forward

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