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Chapter 1: Epidemiology and Economics of Deworming
Chapter 2: Diversity and History as Drivers of Helminth Systematics and Biology
Chapter 3: Paleoparasitology of Helminths
Chapter 4: Under the Influence : the Systemic Consequences of Helminth Infection
Chapter 5: Schistosomiasis
Chapter 6: Fascioliasis
Chapter 7: Clonorchiasis and Opisthorchiasis
Chapter 8: Echinococcosis
Chapter 9: Taeniosis and Cysticercosis
Chapter 10: Trichinellosis
Chapter 11: Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis
Chapter 12: Strongyloides stercoralis and Strongyloidosis
Chapter 13: Anisakiasis
Chapter 14: Lymphatic and Tissue Filariasis
Chapter 15: Dirofilaria Infections in Humans and Other Zoonotic Filarioses
Chapter 16: Toxocariasis
Chapter 17: Can the Study of Helminths Be Fruitful for Human Diseases?

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