Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
The course of the ice age
Ice and water
Tills and terminal moraines
the traces of the glaciers
From the glacial mill to the glacial valley
where are we actually here?
How far did the glaciers reach?
Ice in the ground
the formation of the periglacial regions
Hippos on the Thames
the history of the warm periods
Sequence of deglaciation
Wind, sand and stones
the aeolian processes
What happened to the rivers?
North Sea and Baltic Sea in the ice age
Climate reconstructions and models
Man intervenes.
The course of the ice age
Ice and water
Tills and terminal moraines
the traces of the glaciers
From the glacial mill to the glacial valley
where are we actually here?
How far did the glaciers reach?
Ice in the ground
the formation of the periglacial regions
Hippos on the Thames
the history of the warm periods
Sequence of deglaciation
Wind, sand and stones
the aeolian processes
What happened to the rivers?
North Sea and Baltic Sea in the ice age
Climate reconstructions and models
Man intervenes.