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Introduction (Dolores Resano, University College Dublin)
Section One: Thinking about Fiction
Chapter 1: Empathy and Fiction in the Trump Era (Robert Anthony Siegel, University of North Carolina Wilmington)
Chapter 2: Intersections of Literature, Politics and Narrative in a Fake News World: Huck Finn, Alice in Wonderland and Hannah Arendts Conception of the "New" in Narrative (Karen Armstrong, York University)
Chapter 3: "The office could be any office" Moral Responsibility, Poststructuralism and the New Sincerity in American Literature and Right-Wing Politics (Dominik Steinhilber, University of Mannheim)
Chapter 4: Writing the Resistance: Claudia Rankines Exploration of Whiteness in The White Card (Angela Mullis, Rutgers University)
Section Two: Alternative Histories of America
Chapter 5: Alternative Histories, Alternative Homes, Alternative Nations: Contemporary Literature and Genre in the Age of Trump (Martha Jane Nadell, Brooklyn College, CUNY)
Chapter 6: The Day the Music Died: The Invisible Republic in Steve Ericksons Shadowbahn (Liam Kennedy, University College Dublin)
Chapter 7: "The Direction of the Bizarre" : Reimagining History in Colson Whiteheads The Underground Railroad (Sonia Weiner, University of Tel Aviv)
Chapter 8: Underground Airlines, Entropy, and Dehumanization (Karen Hellekson, Independent Scholar)
Section Three: Subversive Humor as Contestation
Chapter 9: How Do We Laugh about This? Literary Satire in Trump Times (Teresa Botelho, Nova University of Lisbon)
Chapter 10: Writing as Antidote: Muslim Writers Resist in Dont Panic, Im Islamic and Banthology (Maria Mothes, University of Koblenz-Landau)
Chapter 11: "Id get so constipated if I were you" : Otessa Moshfeghs Intimate Disgust (Tim Groenland, University College Cork).

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