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About the Author
Chapter 1: Prologue
Part I: From the Social Infant to the Verbal Child: Insights from Imitation
Chapter 2: A Fresh Look on Neonatal Imitation
Is There a Capacity to Imitate at Birth?
Defining Neonatal Imitation
Neonatal Imitation Among Typical Children
Using the Mother as the Model
Imitation at Birth and the First 3 Months of Life
A Note on Lip Protrusion
Do Temporal Aspects Influence Neonatal Imitation?
Achieving Reasonable Matching Although Many Systems Are Immature

Chapter 3: Neonatal Imitation and Children with Autism or Down Syndrome
Motivation and Theoretical Background
Searching for Studies on Neonatal Imitation and Atypical Development
Neonatal Imitation in a Child That Later Developed Autism
Home Video Observation
Near-Neonatal Imitation in Infants with Down Syndrome
An Attempt to Sum Up: Suggesting an Updated Model
Chapter 4: Imitation at Birth and Then What?
Neonatal Imitation and Early Mother-Infant Interaction
Neonatal Imitation and Imitation Later in the First Year

Imitation Across Time and Dimensions: Following Children from 9 to 36 Months
Results for Immediate and Deferred Imitation
Results for Facial Imitation
Individual Response Patterns for Facial Imitation
Is There Stability in Imitation Across Ages and Dimensions?
Chapter 5: Imitation and Temperament in Infancy
A Personal Starting Point
Why Temperament?
Facial Imitation and Temperament at 3 Months of Life
Early Imitation and Temperament: Sample 1
Early Imitation and Temperament: Sample 2

Facial Imitation and Temperament Beyond Infancy up to 3 Years of Age
An Attempt to Tie It All Together
Part II: Memory and Imitation in Infancy
Chapter 6: A Window into the Preverbal Child's Mind
Deferred Imitation and Our Memory Systems
A Note on Infantile Amnesia
Deferred Imitation and Then What?
Memory and Electrophysiology
A Bit More on the Method Used in Our 2015 Study
A Bit on What We Found
Chapter 7: A Rational Mind?
Imitation of Novel Acts from Memory: Are Rational Processes Involved?
General Method and Procedure

Deferred and Rational Imitation in an Unfamiliar Setting
Unfamiliar setting: What We Found
Deferred and Rational Imitation in Familiar Settings
Familiar Setting: What We Found
Collapsing the Two Experiments
Aiming for an Integrative Conclusion
Part III: Imitation: A Vehicle for Change for Children with Autism
Chapter 8: Is Imitation an Obstacle for Children with Autism?
Is Autism Today and Yesterday the Same Thing?
A Note on Imitation Training in the Early Years: A Historical Perspective
How I Entered the Field

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