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1-Measuring Sex Differences and Similarities
2-Prenatal Steroid Hormones and Sex Differences in Juvenile Rhesus Macaque Behavior
3-Biological Approaches to Studying Gender Development
4-Social Influences on Gender Development: Theory and Context
5-Contemporary Cognitive Approaches to Gender Development: New Schemas, New Directions, and New Conceptualizations of Gender
6-Origins and Consequences of Childhood Gender Segregation: Towards an Integrative Developmental Systems Model
7-Gender, Toys, and Play: How Gendered Early Experiences Shape Later Development
8-Family Gender Socialization in Childhood and Adolescence
9-Gender Stereotypes and Education
10-Gender-Based Discrimination in Childhood and Adolescence
11-Gender and Sexuality in Disorders/Differences of Sex Development
12-Sexuality Development in Childhood
13-Sexual Pleasure in Adolescence: A Developmental Sexual Embodiment Perspective
14-Pornography Use in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
15-A Review of Theoretical Models and Lifespan Approaches to the Study of Sexual Offending
16-Learned but Not Chosen: A Reward Competition Feedback Model for the Origins of Sexual Preferences and Orientations
17-Carving the Biodevelopment of Same-Sex Sexual Orientation at Its Joints
18-Mental Health Among LGBT Youth
19-Asexuality: When Sexual Attraction is Lacking
20-Erotic Target Identity Inversions
21-Consensual Non-monogamy from a Developmental Perspective.

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