Linked e-resources


Brain Development and Atlases
Progression models for imaging data with Longitudinal Variational Auto Encoders
Boundary-Enhanced Self-Supervised Learning for Brain Structure Segmentation
Domain-Prior-Induced Structural MRI Adaptation for Clinical Progression Prediction of Subjective Cognitive Decline
3D Global Fourier Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis using Structural MRI
CASHformer: Cognition Aware SHape Transformer for Longitudinal Analysis
Interpretable differential diagnosis for Alzheimer's disease and Frontotemporal dementia
Is a PET all you need? A multi-modal study for Alzheimer's disease using 3D CNNs
Unsupervised Representation Learning of Cingulate Cortical Folding Patterns
Feature robustness and sex differences in medical imaging: a case study in MRI-based Alzheimer's disease detection
Extended Electrophysiological Source Imaging with Spatial Graph Filters
DWI and Tractography
Hybrid Graph Transformer for Tissue Microstructure Estimation with Undersampled Diffusion MRI Data
Atlas-powered deep learning (ADL) - application to diffusion weighted MRI
One-Shot Segmentation of Novel White Matter Tracts via Extensive Data Augmentation
Accurate Corresponding Fiber Tract Segmentation via FiberGeoMap Learner
An adaptive network with extragradient for diffusion MRI-based microstructure estimation
Shape-based features of white matter fiber-tracts associated with outcome in Major Depression Disorder
White Matter Tracts are Point Clouds: Neuropsychological Score Prediction and Critical Region Localization via Geometric Deep Learning
Segmentation of Whole-brain Tractography: A Deep Learning Algorithm Based on 3D Raw Curve Points
TractoFormer: A Novel Fiber-level Whole Brain Tractography Analysis Framework Using Spectral Embedding and Vision Transformers
Multi-site Normative Modeling of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Metrics Using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression
Functional Brain Networks
Contrastive Functional Connectivity Graph Learning for Population-based fMRI Classification
Joint Graph Convolution for Analyzing Brain Structural and Functional Connectome
Decoding Task Sub-type States with Group Deep Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network
Hierarchical Brain Networks Decomposition via Prior Knowledge Guided Deep Belief Network
Interpretable signature of consciousness in resting-state functional network brain activity
Nonlinear Conditional Time-varying Granger Causality of Task fMRI via Deep Stacking Networks and Adaptive Convolutional Kernels
fMRI Neurofeedback Learning Patterns are Predictive of Personal and Clinical Traits
Multi-head Attention-based Masked Sequence Model for Mapping Functional Brain Networks
Dual-HINet: Dual Hierarchical Integration Network of Multigraphs for Connectional Brain Template Learning
RefineNet: An Automated Framework to Generate Task and Subject-Specific Brain Parcellations for Resting-State fMRI Analysis
Modelling Cycles in Brain Networks with the Hodge Laplacian
Predicting Spatio-Temporal Human Brain Response Using fMRI
Revealing Continuous Brain Dynamical Organization with Multimodal Graph Transformer
Explainable Contrastive Multiview Graph Representation of Brain, Mind, and Behavior
Embedding Human Brain Function via Transformer
How Much to Aggregate: Learning Adaptive Node-wise Scales on Graphs for Brain Networks
Combining multiple atlases to estimate data-driven mappings between functional connectomes using optimal transport
The Semi-constrained Network-Based Statistic (scNBS): integrating local and global information for brain network inference
Unified Embeddings of Structural and Functional Connectome via a Function-Constrained Structural Graph Variational Auto-Encoder
Characterization of brain activity patterns across states of consciousness based on variational auto-encoders
Conditional VAEs for confound removal and normative modelling of neurodegenerative diseases
Semi-supervised learning with data harmonisation for biomarker discovery from resting state fMRI
Cerebral Microbleeds Detection Using a 3D Feature Fused Region Proposal Network with Hard Sample Prototype Learning
Brain-Aware Replacements for Supervised Contrastive Learning in Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
Heart and Lung Imaging
AANet: Artery-Aware Network for Pulmonary Embolism Detection in CTPA Images
Siamese Encoder-based Spatial-Temporal Mixer for Growth Trend Prediction of Lung Nodules on CT Scans
What Makes for Automatic Reconstruction of Pulmonary Segments
CFDA: Collaborative Feature Disentanglement and Augmentation for Pulmonary Airway Tree Modeling of COVID-19 CTs
Decoupling Predictions in Distributed Learning for Multi-Center Left Atrial MRI Segmentation
Scribble-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Dual-Branch Network and Dynamically Mixed Pseudo Labels Supervision
Diffusion Deformable Model for 4D Temporal Medical Image Generation
SAPJNet: Sequence-Adaptive Prototype-Joint Network for Small Sample Multi-Sequence MRI Diagnosis
Evolutionary Multi-objective Architecture Search Framework: Application to COVID-19 3D CT Classification
Detecting Aortic Valve Pathology from the 3-Chamber Cine Cardiac MRI View
CheXRelNet: An Anatomy-Aware Model for Tracking Longitudinal Relationships between Chest X-Rays
Reinforcement learning for active modality selection during diagnosis
Ensembled Prediction of Rheumatic Heart Disease from Ungated Doppler Echocardiography Acquired in Low-Resource Settings
Attention mechanisms for physiological signal deep learning: which attention should we take?
Computer-aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis with Attribute Reasoning Assistance
Multimodal Contrastive Learning for Prospective Personalized Estimation of CT Organ Dose
RTN: Reinforced Transformer Network for Coronary CT Angiography Vessel-level Image Quality Assessment
A Comprehensive Study of Modern Architectures and Regularization Approaches on CheXpert5000
LSSANet: A Long Short Slice-Aware Network for Pulmonary Nodule Detection
Consistency-based Semi-supervised Evidential Active Learning for Diagnostic Radiograph Classification
Self-Rating Curriculum Learning for Localization and Segmentation of Tuberculosis on Chest Radiograph
Rib Suppression in Digital Chest Tomosynthesis
Multi-Task Lung Nodule Detection in Chest Radiographs with a Dual Head Network
Data-Driven Deep Supervision for Skin Lesion Classification
Out-of-Distribution Detection for Long-tailed and Fine-grained Skin Lesion Images
FairPrune: Achieving Fairness Through Pruning for Dermatological Disease Diagnosis
Reliability-aware Contrastive Self-ensembling for Semi-supervised Medical Image Classification.

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