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About the Editors
Digital Finance and Financial Services
1 Introduction
2 Financial Inclusion
3 Stylized Facts of Financial Inclusion
4 Literature Review
5 Modelling the Volatilities of Performance of Technology-Driven Financial Services Companies
6 Conclusion
Innovation and Fintech
1 Introduction
1.1 A Brief History of the Development of Financial Innovation
2 Modern World of Finance-World of Innovation
3 Emergence and Growth of the Financial Technology (Fintech) Significance

4 Financial Technology Application
5 Conclusions
Central Bank and Fintech: Regulatory Challenges and Framework
1 Introduction
1.1 Fintech Innovations
1.2 Adoption of Fintech Services
1.3 Recent Growth Status of Fintech
2 Regulatory Challenges for Fintech
2.1 Challenges for Central Banks
2.1.1 Monetary Policy Implementation and Transmission
2.1.2 Financial Stability
2.1.3 Payment System-Associated Risk
2.1.4 Cybersecurity Risk
2.1.5 Speculative Risk
2.1.6 International Payments Standardization
3 Central Bank
3.1 Commercial Banks

3.2 Technology
3.3 Learning from International Experience
4 Regulatory Policies for Fintech
4.1 Assessing the Suggestions of Previous Studies
4.1.1 Use of RegTech
4.1.2 Regulatory Changes in the EU
4.1.3 Regulatory Landscape
4.1.4 Joint Ventures with Financial Intermediaries
4.1.5 Need for Entry Barriers to Avoid the Concentration
4.1.6 Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in Cross Border Payments
4.1.7 Functionality-Based Regulatory Framework
5 Need for Regulatory Framework in the Indian Context
6 Bank-Fintech Cooperation

7 International Regulatory Landscape
8 Shift from Activity-Based Regulation to Entity-Based Regulation
9 Conclusion
The Dematerialization of Money in the Age of COVID-19 Pandemic: A New Future for Digital Finance?
1 Introduction
2 The Dematerialization of Money
3 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Cryptocurrency Market
4 Which Future for Digital Finance?
5 Conclusion
International Financial Markets in the Digital Era
1 Introduction
2 Impact of Electronic Trading on the Market
2.1 Impact on the Market Structure

2.2 Impact on Price Quality
2.3 Impact on Market Stability
3 The Case of the Foreign Exchange Market
3.1 Technical Innovations
3.2 Market Size and Structure
3.3 How FX Is Traded in the Dealer-Customer Market?
4 Summary
Response of BTC Market to Social Media Sentiment: Application of Cross-Quantilogram with Bootstrap
1 Introduction
1.1 Twitter-Based Uncertainty
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology and Data
3.1 Data and Sources
3.2 Cross-Quantilogram
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Twitter-Based Economic Uncertainty Index to Bitcoin Returns

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