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1. Our Road to Fullerenes - a personal Account
2. Preparation, Extraction/isolation From Soot, and Solubility of Fullerenes
3. Total synthesis of C60
4. Structural characteristics of fullerenes
5. Theoretical Predictions of Fullerene Stabilities
6. Fullerenes violating the isolated-pentagon-rule
7. Merging Carbon Nanostructures with Porphyrins
8. Connecting Fullerenes with Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene
9. Chemical reactivity and addition pattern on C60 and C70
10. Functionalization of Fullerenes: Addition Reactions
11. Radical and photo reactions
12. Electrochemistry and Organic Electrochemistry of Fullerenes
13. Complexation with Transition Metals
14. Optically active fullerene derivatives
15. Transition-metal-catalyzed reactions of fullerenes and metallofullerenes.

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