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Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. A Short History of Actuarial Work
Chapter 3. Products and Perils
Chapter 4. Data
Chapter 5. Annuities
Chapter 6. Life Dependent Products: Your Money or Your Life
Chapter 7. Pensions: Who pays?
Chapter 8. Pricing: The Science of Estimating the Risk Cost
Chapter 9. Pricing: The Art of Estimating Everything Else
Chapter 10. Reserving: First Principles
Chapter 11. Reserving: Methods
Chapter 12. In Case of Emergency: Capital requirements
Chapter 13. Reinsurance
Chapter 14. Catastrophes and Climate Change
Chapter 15. Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss
Chapter 16. Latent Claims: A Problem for Another day
Chapter 17. Modelling Coronavirus-19
Chapter 18. Careers in Actuarial Science
Chapter 19. Looking Forward: the future of actuarial work.

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