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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Part I: Foundations
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of .NET and C#
Theoretical Concepts
Common .NET Terminology
Preliminary Concepts in C#
Programming Skills
Basic Programming Concepts
Selection Statements
Ternary Operator
Iteration Statements
Jump Statements
Use of the var Keyword
Chapter 2: Strings and Arrays
Theoretical Concepts
Strings in C#
The Use of Arrays in C#
Programming Skills
String Fundamentals
Array Fundamentals

Chapter 3: Enumeration and Structure Types
Theoretical Concepts
Enumerations in C#
Structures in C#
Limitations of Using Structures in C#
Programming Skills
The enum Type Fundamentals
Reviewing the Flags Enumeration
The struct Type Fundamentals
Testing the Default Value Expression
Discussion About a C# 11 Feature
Testing a Nondestructive Mutation
Part II: Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 4: Classes and Objects
Theoretical Concepts
Class and Object
Bonus QA
Programming Skills
Basic Concepts and Use of Constructors

Optional Parameters and Object Initializers
Visibility Control Basics
Nested Classes
Use of Instance Methods
Chapter 5: Inheritance
Theoretical Concepts
Basic Concepts
Types of Inheritance
Different Aspects of Inheritance
Programming Skills
Analyzing the sealed Keyword
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Method Hiding
Covariance and Contravariance
Chapter 6: Polymorphism
Theoretical Concepts
Abstract Class
Programming Skills
Basic Concepts
Abstract Class Case Studies
Interface Case Studies

One C# 11 Feature
Chapter 7: Encapsulation Using Properties and Indexers
Theoretical Concepts
Creating a Property
Alternative Code to Create a Property
Creating an Indexer
Programming Skills
Basic Concepts
Virtual and Abstract Properties
The Usage of the init Keyword
Using Indexers
Properties and Indexers in Interfaces
Bonus QA
Chapter 8: Handling Exceptions
Theoretical Concepts
Basic Concepts
Exception Filters
Custom Exception
Programming Skills
Using Multiple Catch Blocks
Using a General Catch Block

Throwing and Rethrowing an Exception
Filtering Exceptions
Chapter 9: Useful Concepts
Theoretical Concepts
Type Conversions
C# Types
Unsafe Code
Extension Methods
Constants in C#
Bonus QA
Programming Skills
Static Data
Using Extension Methods
Passing the Value-Type by Value
Passing the Value-Type by Reference
Using the is Operator
Using as Operator
A Method That Returns Multiple Values
Comparing the const and readonly Keywords
One C# 10 Feature
Part III: Advanced C#
Chapter 10: Delegates
Theoretical Concepts
Delegates in C#

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