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VeriMon: A Formally Verified Monitoring Tool
Generalized Test Tables: A Domain-specific Specification Language for Automated Production
On Safety, Assurance and Reliability: A Software Engineering Perspective
Reachability Games and Parity Games
A PO Characterisation of Reconfiguration
Structural Rules and Algebraic Properties of Intersection Types
Florido Quantitative Weak Linearisation
On the Formalization and Computational Complexity of Resilience Problems for Cyber-Physical Systems
Spatial and Timing Properties in Highway Traffic
Denotational and Algebraic Semantics for the CaIT calculus
Reconciling communication delays and negation
A Combinatorial Study of Async/Await Processes
Unsatisfiability of Comparison-Based Non-Malleability for Commitments
Alternating Automatic Register Machines
Functional Choreographic Programming
A Model Checking Based Approach to Detect Safety-Critical Adversarial Examples on Autonomous Driving Systems
Ground Confluence and Strong Commutation modulo Alpha-Equivalence in Nominal Rewriting
Local XOR Unification: Definitions, Algorithms and Application to Cryptography
A Matching Logic Foundation for Alk
A Type System with Subtyping for WebAssembly's Stack Polymorphism
A Verified Implementation of B+-trees in Isabelle/HOL
Toward a user interface description language based on bigraphs
A Specification Logic for Programs in the Probabilistic Guarded Command Language.

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