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Author's Note
Chapter 1: Hello, My Name Is
Answering Unasked Questions
Grounding the Second-Generation Female Muslim Experience: An Interplay of Culture, Ecology, and Feminism
Interviews: The Whys, Hows, and Whens
Conceptualizing Stage-Specific Research
Overview of Research Approach
Participants: Ethnicity and Recruitment
Creating the Interview Guide and Questionnaire
Questions of Reliability
The Path Forward
Chapter 2: The Ups, Downs, and Whatevers of Adolescence
Part 1: Developmental Risks and Challenges

Divided Lives, Divided Selves?: "I lead a double life"
"Muslim!": International-Political Stereotypes
Micro/Aggressions: Manifestations of the International-Political Stereotype
The Constantly Questionable: Muslim Womanhood Stereotypes
Original Origins: "Where are you really from?"
The Home Front: "I dunno, it's pretty normal"
Masjid: "It's like really real"
Boys and Reputation
Best Frenemies
Part 2: Protective Factors and Coping Mechanisms
The Art of Whatevering: Navigating on One's Own
Sameness of "Things and Stuff:" Like Peers and Social Support from Within

Little Miss Smarty Hijab: Why Smartness Is Important
Part 3: Adolescent Outcomes
Emergent Identities: Becoming What She Will Be
The (Muslim) Girl Next Door
The Cusp Moment
Chapter 3: Being While Becoming: Emerging Adulthood
Part 1: Marriage
I Do (It All!): American Islamic Marriage Versus American Marriage
Reasons to Marry: Public Acceptance and Private Freedom
Part 2: Education
From Protective Factor to Risk
Graduate Education: Issues of Marriage, Marginalization, and Mental Health
Creating New Methods of Coping for Higher Education

Excelling at the Cost of Romantic Partnership and Community Support
Location, Location, Location
Part 3: Individual Experiences Through Stages
From Adolescent to Emerging Adult: Three Case studies
Career: Or Not
Part 4: Resolution of Adolescent Risks
Taking Back Power Through Intentional Giving: The Reduced Risk of Questions and Divided Life Spaces
Islamophobia and the Muslim Womanhood Stereotype
Sexual Harassment: Where Islamophobia and Patriarchies Meet Halfway
Trumping Trump: Complications of Non-Muslim Allyship
Part 5: Risks of Unconventional Life Paths

The Misfits: An Unwelcome Extended Adolescence
Part 6: Coping Mechanisms
Help: Turning to Established Coping Mechanisms as a Coping Mechanism
AMEA Women-Driven Support Groups
Just Get on with It: Goal-Oriented Focus as a Coping Mechanism
Part 7: Emerging Adulthood Outcomes
The (Sort of, Kind of) All-American Woman
Settling into Selfhood: From Becoming to Being
Chapter 4: Adulthood: The Final Chapter?
A Struggle with the Juggle: Motherhood Versus Career
Un-mosqued: Motherhood Versus Masjid
The Risk of Isolation and Loss of Tradition

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