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Conceptual Model of Communication in the Relationship Marketing of Public Institutions in the Post-Pandemic Period
Cultural Consumption in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Approach
Pillars of Interest of the 21st Century - Digitalization and Job Satisfaction
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Propensity of Emerging Entrepreneurs to Start Social Enterprises in Romania
The Influence of COVID-19 Crisis on Teachers' Attrition in Israel 2021
The Students Perception on Incorporating Google Classroom in Learning Economic Disciplines
The Good Part of COVID-19 Pandemic: Increasing the Living Standards of Physically Challenged People by Accepting Telework as a New Normality, in Association with Assistive Technologies
Post-Pandemic Quality and Performance of the Romanian Consular Services
Religion in Young Romanian People Before and During COVID-19 a Marketing Perspective
An Examination of the Pet Food Buying Behavior Before and During the COVID - 19 Pandemic
Is Telework Really Feasible in Israel?
Highlighting the Main Poles of Political Performance and Governance Capacity at EU Level. Implications in the Context of COVID-19 Crisis
Challenges in Managing the Resources of the Economic Entity Caused by the COVID 19 Pandemic
Analysis of the Role of Trust and Uncertainty in Tourism Decision-Making as a Result of the Security Measures Introduced by SARS Cov-2
Sustainable Industrial Development in Romania During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Green Economy: Opportunities for Reshaping Personal Transportation? Between Tough Technological Choices and Induced Client Behavior
Comparative Analysis of Romanias Regional Competitiveness
Elaboration of a Circular Economy Composite Index for the EU27 Countries
Shedding Light on the Effects of Corruption on Economic Growth. Empirical Evidence Across E.U. Countries Based on Panel Data Analysis and Simulation Forecast Scenarios
Mapping the Field. Investigating the Literature on Informality and COVID-19 Pandemic Through a Text Analysis Approach
The Opportunity to Approach Sustainable Development from the Perspective of the Economic and Social Environment in the Context of the Covid-19 Crisis
Box-Jenkins Methodology
The Role of the Professional Accountant in Identifying Solutions for a Fast Business Recovery

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