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1: Introduction
Book Outline
2: Freud's Project
The Pleasure Principle and the Death Drive
What Is Consciousness?
Transference and the Demand
The Unconscious
The Defensive Ego of Attention
The Reality Principle
3: Neuroscience and the Repression of Psychoanalysis
Natural Feelings
An Imaginary Unity
The Computer Brain
The Pleasure Principle Revised
Pleasure and the Unconscious
Are You Unconscious?
Feelings, Consciousness, and the Pleasure Principle
Nurture and Nature
From Theory to Practice

Defending the Science of Psychoanalysis
4: Moving from Freud's Five Principles to Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts
The Unconscious and the Primary Processes
The Dream of the Subject
Repetition and Desire
Repression and Consciousness
The Unconscious and Sexuality
The Drives and the Pleasure Principle
Working Through Transference and the Drives at the End of Analysis
5: The Desire of the Analyst and the American Repression of Psychoanalysis
The Ethics of Care
Comforting the Patient
Writing about Analysis
From Hypnosis to Neutrality

Theory and Practice
The Known Desire of the Analyst
The Resistance of Narcissism
6: Zizek and the Empty Unconscious
From Freud to Lacan
The Death Drive Distortion
Defining Culture
From Lacan to Marx and Back Again
Exchange Value
Cynical Behaviorism
The Return of the Repressed
From Lacan to Marx to Hegel
The Displacement of Ideology
From Transference to Social Reality
7: Misunderstanding Psychoanalysis from the Left
Warning: Reader Be Aware
Identity in Analysis
How Identity Politics Affects Clinical Practice
Neutrality and Free Association

The Limits of Identity Politics in Analysis
8: Conclusion: Still (Mis)Understanding Psychoanalysis

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