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Part I Defining Student Engagement: Models and Related Constructs
Jingle-Jangle Revisited: History and Further Evolution of the Student Engagement Construct / Amy L. Reschly and Sandra L. Christenson
Unlocking the Positive Synergy Between Engagement and Motivation / Ellen A. Skinner and Kristen E. Raine
Situated Expectancy-Value Theory, Dimensions of Engagement, and Academic Outcomes / Jessica R. Gladstone, Allan Wigfield, and Jacquelynne S. Eccles
Study Demands-Resources Model of Student Engagement and Burnout / Katariina Salmela-Aro, Xin Tang, and Katja Upadyaya
Agentic Engagement / Johnmarshall Reeve and Hyungshim Jang
Academic Emotions and Student Engagement / Reinhard Pekrun and Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia
School Belonging and Student Engagement: The Critical Overlaps, Similarities, and Implications for Student Outcomes / Kelly-Ann Allen and Christopher Boyle
Self-Efficacy and Engaged Learners / Dale H. Schunk and Maria K. DiBenedetto
Using Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Assessment Data to Promote Regulatory Engagement in Learning and Performance Contexts / Timothy J. Cleary and Angela M. Lui
Hope and Student Engagement: Keys to School Success / Elyse M. Farnsworth, Maddie Cordle, and Ariana Groen
Part II Student Engagement: Positive Development and Outcomes Relationships Between Student Engagement and Mental Health as Conceptualized from a Dual-Factor Model / Shannon M. Suldo and Janise Parker
Resilience and Student Engagement: Promotive and Protective Processes in Schools / Ann S. Masten, Kayla M. Nelson, and Sarah Gillespie
Developmental Relationships and Student Academic Motivation: Current Research and Future Directions / Peter C. Scales, Kent Pekel, and Benjamin J. Houltberg
Early Childhood Engagement / Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett and Kristen L. Bub
Using Positive Student Engagement to Create Opportunities for Students with Troubling and High-Risk Behaviors / Amy Jane Griffiths, Rachel Wiegand, and Christopher Tran
Student Engagement and School Dropout: Theories, Evidence, and Future Directions / Isabelle Archambault, Michel Janosz, Elizabeth Olivier, and Véronique Dupéré
Exploring the Character of Student Persistence in Higher Education: The Impact of Perception, Motivation, and Engagement / Vincent Tinto
Part III Contexts for Engagement
Expanding an Equity Understanding of Student Engagement: The Macro (Social) and Micro (School) Contexts / Claudia L. Galindo, Tara M. Brown, and Justine H. Lee
Parental Influences on Achievement Motivation and Student Engagement / Janine Bempechat, David J. Shernoff, Shira Wolff, and Hannah J. Puttre
Teacher-Student Relationships, Engagement in School, and Student Outcomes / Tara L. Hofkens and Robert C. Pianta
The Role of Peer Relationships on Academic and Extracurricular Engagement in School / Casey A. Knifsend, Guadalupe Espinoza, and Jaana Juvonen
Instruction and Student Engagement: Implications for Academic Engaged Time / Matthew K. Burns, Mallory A. Stevens, and James Ysseldyke
The Role of Academic Engagement in Students' Educational Development: Insights from Load Reduction Instruction and the 4M Academic Engagement Framework / Andrew J. Martin
Achievement Goal Theory and Engagement / Eric M. Anderman, Helen Patrick, and Seung Yon Ha
Student Engagement: The Importance of the Classroom Context / Wendy M. Reinke, Keith C. Herman, and Christa B. Copeland
Student Engagement and Learning Climate / Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor
Engaging High School Students in Learning / Marcia H. Davis, Crystal L. Spring, and Robert W. Balfanz
The Role of Policy in Supporting Student Engagement / Cathy Wylie
Part IV Measurement
The Measurement of Student Engagement: Methodological Advances and Comparison of New Self-report Instruments / Jennifer A. Fredricks
Measuring Student Engagement with Observational Techniques / Jennifer A. Fredricks
Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Considerations in Understanding Student Engagement in Schools: Promoting the Development of Diverse Students Around the World / Shane R. Jimerson and Chun Chen
Measuring Student Engagement: New Approaches and Issues / Joe Betts
Epilogue / Amy L. Reschly and Sandra L. Christenson.

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