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Chapter 1: Combat Trauma in Pre-Modern Europe: An Introduction
Chapter 2: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: An ancient Greek case study in retrospective diagnosis
Chapter 3: A collective war trauma in Classical Athens? Coping with the human cost of warfare in Aeschylus' Persians
Chapter 4: Combat Trauma and Ajax: A Script-based Approach
Chapter 5: Legal evidence for Roman PTSD?
Chapter 6: Terrible but Unavoidable? Combat trauma and a change to legal proscriptions on Roman military suicide under Hadrian
Chapter 7: Was there Combat Trauma in the Middle Ages? A Case for Moral Injury in Pre-Modern Conflict
Chapter 8: Fear and Loathing in Eyrbyggja Saga: Combat Trauma in Medieval Iceland
Chapter 9: Understandings of adversity and resilience amongst women and children during the seventeenth-century British Civil Wars.

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