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Table of Contents
On the joint spectral radius (E. Breuillard)
The failure of the fractal uncertainty principle for the Walsh-Fourier transform (C. Demeter)
The continuous formulation of shallow neural networks as Wasserstein-type gradient flows (X. Fernandez-Real)
On the Origins, Nature and Impact of Bourgain's Discretized Sum-Product Theorem (A. Gamburd)
Cartan Covers and Doubling Bernstein Type Inequalities on Analytic Subsets of C2 (M. Goldstein)
A Weighted Prekopa-Leindler inequality and sumsets with quasicubes (B. Green)
Equidistribution of affine random walks on some nilmanifolds (E. Lindenstrauss)
Logarithmic quantum dynamical bounds for arithmetically defined ergodic Schrodinger operators with smooth potentials (S. Jitomirskaya)
The slicing problem by Bourgain (B. Klartag)
On the work of Jean Bourgain in nonlinear dispersive equations (E. Kenig)
On Trace sets of restricted continued fraction semigroups (A. Kontorovich)
Polynomial Equations in Subgroups and Applications (V. Konyagin)
Exponential sums, twisted multiplicativity and moments (E. Kowalski)
The ternary Goldbach problem with a missing digit and other primes of special types (Th. Rassias)
A note on harmonious sets (Y. Franc cois Meyer)
On the multiplicative group generated by two primes in Z/QZ (P. Varju).
The failure of the fractal uncertainty principle for the Walsh-Fourier transform (C. Demeter)
The continuous formulation of shallow neural networks as Wasserstein-type gradient flows (X. Fernandez-Real)
On the Origins, Nature and Impact of Bourgain's Discretized Sum-Product Theorem (A. Gamburd)
Cartan Covers and Doubling Bernstein Type Inequalities on Analytic Subsets of C2 (M. Goldstein)
A Weighted Prekopa-Leindler inequality and sumsets with quasicubes (B. Green)
Equidistribution of affine random walks on some nilmanifolds (E. Lindenstrauss)
Logarithmic quantum dynamical bounds for arithmetically defined ergodic Schrodinger operators with smooth potentials (S. Jitomirskaya)
The slicing problem by Bourgain (B. Klartag)
On the work of Jean Bourgain in nonlinear dispersive equations (E. Kenig)
On Trace sets of restricted continued fraction semigroups (A. Kontorovich)
Polynomial Equations in Subgroups and Applications (V. Konyagin)
Exponential sums, twisted multiplicativity and moments (E. Kowalski)
The ternary Goldbach problem with a missing digit and other primes of special types (Th. Rassias)
A note on harmonious sets (Y. Franc cois Meyer)
On the multiplicative group generated by two primes in Z/QZ (P. Varju).