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Northern Waters: From Terrestrial to Water-bound Knowledge
Part1. Mediating the Change. -Chapter1. The Problem of Plastic in the Arctic
Chapter2. Rivers through the Prism of Oil Spills: Native Voices from the Russian Arctic
Chapter3. Baltic Seals and Changing Marine Frontiers in the Twentieth Century
Chapter4. Conceptualizing Arctic Documentary: Combining Scientific Authority and the Interests of Broadcasters in BBC's Frozen Planet
Part2. Hydrological Space and Politics
Chapter5. The Voice of Ice in the Turku Archipelago: Narrating Icegraphy with Environmental Ethnography
Chapter6. The "International" in WaterSociety Relations: A Case Study of an Arctic Urban Watershed
Chapter7. Living by the River: Means, Meanings and Sense of Place
Chapter8. Emerging Trends in Arctic North America's Maritime Security Agenda: From Ice to Water
Part3. Narrating and Visualizing Cold Waters
Chapter9. Between Pomor Traditions and Arctic Modernities: The Northern Sea in Early Soviet Pomor Literature
Chapter10. Water, Oil and Spirits: Liquid Maps of the Taiga in Eremei Aipin's Novel Khanty or the Star of the Dawn
Chapter11. The Ambiguity of the Arctic Littoral: Changing Perspectives of Chukchi Communities in Two Russian Films
Chapter12. "The Silvery Song of Water": Nature, Experience, and Time in Paul Harding's Fiction
Chapter13. Speculative Water: Atopic Space and Oceanic Agency in Julie Bertagna's Raging Earth Trilogy. .

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