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Algorithms and Data Structures
Cutting a tree with Subgraph Complementation is hard, except for some small trees
Elastic-Degenerate String Matching with 1 Error
Median and Hybrid Median K-Dimensional Trees
Weighted Connected Matchings
Space-efficient data structure for next/previous larger/smaller value queries
Near-Optimal Search Time in &-Optimal Space
Computing and Listing Avoidable Vertices and Paths
Klee's Measure Problem Made Oblivious
Approximation Algorithms
A parameterized approximation algorithm for the Multiple Allocation k-Hub Center
Theoretical analysis of git bisect
Pathlength of Outerplanar graphs
Approximations for the Steiner Multicycle Problem
Approximation Schemes for Packing Problems with `p-norm Diversity Constraints
Obtaining Approximately Optimal and Diverse Solutions via Dispersion
On APN functions whose graphs are maximal Sidon sets
On the subfield codes of a subclass of optimal cyclic codes and their covering structures
Social Choice Theory
Multidimensional Manhattan Preferences
Theoretical Machine Learning
Exact Learning of Multitrees and Almost-Trees Using Path Queries
Almost Optimal Proper Learning and Testing Polynomials
Estimating the Clustering Coefficient using Sample Complexity Analysis
Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Binary completely reachable automata
Conelikes and Ranker Comparisons
The Net Automaton of a Rational Expression
Embedding arbitrary Boolean circuits into fungal automata
How many times do you need to go back to the future in Unary Temporal Logic?
String Attractors and Infinite Words
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
On the Zero-sum Ramsey Problem over Zd2
On x-diperfect digraphs with stability number two
Percolation and Epidemic Processes in One-Dimensional Small-World Networks
A combinatorial link between labelled graphs and increasingly labelled Schroder trees
Min orderings and list homomorphism dichotomies for signed and unsigned graphs
On the Zombie number of various graph classes
Patterns in ordered (random) matchings
Tree 3-spanners on generalized prisms of graphs
A General Approach to Ammann Bars for Aperiodic Tilings
Complexity Theory
List Homomorphism: Beyond the Known Boundaries
On the closures of monotone algebraic classes and variants of the Determinant
MCSP is Hard for Read-Once Nondeterministic Branching Programs
Bounds on oblivious multiparty quantum communication complexity
Improved Parallel Algorithms for Generalized Baumslag Groups
Computational Geometry
Piercing Pairwise Intersecting Convex Shapes in the Plane
Local routing algorithms on Euclidean spanners with small diameter
On r-Guarding SCOTs - a New Family of Orthogonal Polygons
Complexity Results on Untangling Red-Blue Matchings
On Vertex Guarding Staircase Polygons
On the Complexity of Half-Guarding Monotone Polygons.

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