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Part 1: Multidisciplinarity in theory and education
Plural security: Diverse disciplines, multiple actors
Third Generation CPTED Integrating crime prevention and neighbourhood liveability
Social work and policing: Multidisciplinary vocational trainings for urban security
From the borders and edges: Youth cultures, arts, urban areas and crime prevention
Part 2: Multidisciplinarity in policy and planning
Standardisation and multidisciplinary processes in urban crime prevention. The only crime prevention standard in Europe since the Roman Empire: From the CEN 14383 series to the worldwide ISO 22341:2021
Local safety contracts: Profiling a multi-disciplinary and multi-level cooperation for crime prevention
Beyond simplicity Urban security as a diverse and transdisciplinary approach
The quarter as new level of urban crime prevention
Part 3: Multidisciplinary in research and practice
Multidimensionality in geospatial urban crime prevention modelling and decision support: The case of Porto, Portugal
Incivilities in public spaces and insecurity. A case study in Bologna, Italy
The role of the perception of fear in the disintegration of neighbourhoods and the appearance of crime
CPTED evolution, from Latin America to the World
Make the World yours! Arts-based research in action in the Cerco do Porto neighbourhood
A revolution without death. Hip-hop as a weapon against violence.

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