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Chapter 1. Introduction: Atlantic petitionary traditions and developments
Petitionary practices and brokers in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Chapter 2. Some Reflections on Voice and Authority in the Construction and Operation of Long-Distance Empires and Their Successor States in the Americas; Jack P. Greene
Chapter 3. Petitions in the Dutch Atlantic and the absence of a Dutch West India Interest, c. 1600-1800; Joris van den Tol
Chapter 4. Petitions to the Courts of Appeal in Portuguese America and the Protection of Rights (c.1750-1808); Andrea Slemian
Chapter 5. Petitions to Correct Revolutionary Rumors. The City Council of Santafe de Bogota and Madrids Agentes de Indias, c. 1780-1795; Alvaro Caso Bello
Petitioning and colonialism
Chapter 6. Indigenous Petitioning in the Early Modern British and Spanish New World; Adrian Masters and Bradley Dixon
Chapter 7. Debitage of the Shatter Zone: Indoctrination, Asylum, and the Law of Towns in the Provinces of Florida; Amy Turner Bushnell
Chapter 8. "We are all French" : Race, religion, and citizenship in petitions from Senegal, 1760s-1840s; Larissa Kopytoff
Revolutionary ruptures and the path to mass petitioning
Chapter 9. Petitioning as Constitution-Making: Revolutionary Massachusetts and the American Confederation; James F. Hrdlicka
Chapter 10. Action at a distance: petitions and political representation in revolutionary France; Adrian OConnor
Chapter 11. Petitioning by riot in Spain and the origins of modern mass petitioning; Diego Palacios Cerezales
Chapter 12. The petitionary wave of the First Portuguese Liberal Revolution (1820-1823); Miguel Dantas da Cruz.

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