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Chapter 1. Neoliberalism and subjectivity in Latin America (Valerie Walkerdine)
Chapter 2. Why should we be interested in the specificity of subjectivity and neoliberalism in Latin America?(Julian Medina-Zarate, Flavia M. Uchoa de Oliveira)
Chapter 3. Masculine subjectivities and necropolitics: precarization and violence at the Mexican margins (Antar Martinez-Guzman)
Chapter 4. Crisis and transformation of occupational identities in three sectors (retail, mining, state): contributions to understanding workplace subjectivities in neoliberal Chile (Antonio Stecher, Alvaro Soto Roy)
Chapter 5: Outsourcing and the growing precarity of psychologists work in social services in Brazil: repercussions for subjectivities (Mariana Prioli Cordeiro, Leny SatoFabio de Oliveira)
Chapter 6: Analysing the artefacts to produce an education of quality: from the disciple to the customer in a Colombian university (Hernan Camilo Pulido-Martinez)
Chapter 7: Being a parent and being a child in Chile today: the relational construction of subject positions in a neoliberal context (Ana Vergara, Mauricio Sepulveda, Irene Salvo).

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