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Introduction: Economics and Organization of Financial Markets
Part I. Basic Finance: Interest Rates, Discounting, Investments, Loans
The Money Market and Its Interbank Segment
The Bond Markets
Introduction to the Analysis of Interest Rate and Credit Risks
The Term Structure of Interest Rates
Vanilla Floating Rate Instruments and Swaps
Stocks, Stock Markets, and Stock Indices
Part II Futures and Options
Futures and Forwards
Options (I): General Description, Parity Relations, Basic Concepts, and Valuation Using the Binomial Model
Options (II): Continuous-Time Models, Black-Scholes and Extensions
Option Portfolio Strategies: Tools and Methods
American Options and Numerical Methods
*Exotic Options
Futures Markets (2): Contracts on Interest Rates
Interest Rate Instruments: Valuation with the BSM Model, Hybrids, and Structured Products
Modeling Interest Rates and Options on Interest Rates
Elements of Stochastic Calculus
*The Mathematical Framework of Financial Markets Theory
The State Variables Model and the Valuation Partial Differential Equation
Part III Portfolio Theory and Portfolio Management
Choice Under Uncertainty and Portfolio Optimization in a Static Framework: The Markowitz Model
The Capital Asset Pricing Model
Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multi-factor Models
Strategic Portfolio Allocation
Benchmarking and Tactical Asset Allocation
Monte Carlo Simulations
Value at Risk, Expected Shortfall, and Other Risk Measures
Modeling Credit Risk (1): Credit Risk Assessment and Empirical Analysis
Modeling Credit Risk (2): Credit-VaR and Operational Methods for Credit Risk Management
Credit Derivatives, Securitization, and Introduction to xVA.

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