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A View from Within
Chapter 1: Introduction: Disaster Capitalism Comes to Higher Education
The Eye of the Storm
Disaster Capitalism: A Primer
Critiquing Neoliberalism in the Context of Higher Education
Chapter 2: A Newer Version of an Old Beast: The Higher Education Disaster Before COVID
Higher Education, Industry and Profit from the American Colonial Era to the Gilded Age
Eisenhower Thought to Add "Academic" in "Military Industrial Complex": The Interwar Years

The Whole World (Was Not) Watching: 1960s-1980s
Fire Wall Erodes and Academics Fiddle While Rome Burns: 1980s-1990s
Giving Up the Ghost at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
The Great Recession as a Disaster Booster Shot
In the Thick of the Currents
The Chapters Remaining
Chapter 3: Bringing the F.U.D to Thin the Ranks
Cuts Cometh Before the Windfall
Not Quite Exigent but Close Enough to RIF
Grabbing Tenure While They're At It
Never Miss a Chance to "Train Up" Faculty
Bringing the F.U.D. to Union Bust
Corporate Consultants Behind the COVID Panic Curtain

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Sometimes Cry Wolf: COVID Losses Not as Predicted
Heroes of Their Own Recovery Stories
"It Is and It Isn't the Pandemic": Speaking out of Two Sides of Administrative Mouths
Turns Out the Campus Rich Still Got Richer: Top Hats for Presidents and Coaches
We Have Been Here Before Redux
A Wicked Web They Weave
Chapter 4: "Cut to Grow" and the Spider Web of the New Global TEMPS
Remember the GEI Titans: From Chicago Boys to Davos Men
The Philanthro-Capitalists Go Back to School
Thinking Bigger with Think Tanks

Consultocracy and a Millennial Army of Zuckerbergers
COVID "Growth Opportunities" for Higher Education
ReKoching in COVID
Getting Mega: Managing and Mandating COVID Mergers and Acquisitions
Growth of Entanglements: A Snapshot of C2i
Chapter 5: Laundering Coercion: Restart Planning, "Pandemic Task Forces," and the Dismantling of Shared Governance
Shared Governance Revisited: The Fritz Doctrine
The Role of Pandemic Task Forces on Campuses: Things Are Not What they Seem
Restart Planning and Invisible Hands: State and Local Limits and Opportunities

Chapter 6: Campuses Respond to COVID: "Pandemia" Not Making the Science Grades
To Test or Not to Test: That Is the Question
A Game of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Who Wins in a Fight for What's Right?
Chapter 7: Online Instruction and the "Hyflex Teaching 'Shock Doctrine'"
Digital Transformations or the End of Higher Education as We Know It
For the Love of Online Learning: Online Learning Before the Pandemic, Now, and After
The "Hyflex Shock Doctrine" and the True Cost of Online Learning

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