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Learning Mutual Modulation for Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Super Resolution
Spectrum-Aware and Transferable Architecture Search for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
Neural Color Operators for Sequential Image Retouching
Optimizing Image Compression via Joint Learning with Denoising
Restore Globally, Refine Locally: A Mask-Guided Scheme to Accelerate Super-Resolution Networks
Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real-Time Super-Resolution
Modeling Mask Uncertainty in Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
Perceiving and Modeling Density for Image Dehazing
Stripformer: Strip Transformer for Fast Image Deblurring
Deep Fourier-Based Exposure Correction Network with Spatial-Frequency Interaction
Frequency and Spatial Dual Guidance for Image Dehazing
Towards Real-World HDRTV Reconstruction: A Data Synthesis Based Approach
Learning Discriminative Shrinkage Deep Networks for Image Deconvolution
KXNet: A Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Blind Super Resolution
ARM: Any-Time Super-Resolution Method
Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Image Processing Pipelines
RealFlow: EM-Based Realistic Optical Flow Dataset Generation from Videos
Memory-Augmented Model-Driven Network for Pansharpening
All You Need Is RAW: Defending against Adversarial Attacks with Camera Image Pipelines
Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging with Context-Aware Transformer
Style-Guided Shadow Removal
D2C-SR: A Divergence to Convergence Approach for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
GRIT-VLP: Grouped Mini-Batch Sampling for Efficient Vision and Language Pre-training
Efficient Video Deblurring Guided by Motion Magnitude
Single Frame Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation: A Benchmark Study and a New Physics-Inspired Transformer Model
Contextformer: A Transformer with Spatio-Channel Attention for Context Modeling in Learned Image Compression
Image Super-Resolution with Deep Dictionary
TempFormer: Temporally Consistent Transformer for Video Denoising
RAWtoBit: A Fully End-to-End Camera ISP Network
DRCNet: Dynamic Image Restoration Contrastive Network
Zero-Shot Learning for Reflection Removal of Single 360-Degree Image
Transformer with Implicit Edges for Particle-Based Physics Simulation
Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis Model and a Deraining Network with Video Rain Prior
Super-Resolution by Predicting Offsets: An Ultra-Efficient Super-Resolution Network for Rasterized Images
Animation from Blur: Multi-modal Blur Decomposition with Motion Guidance
AlphaVC: High-Performance and Efficient Learned Video Compression
Content-Oriented Learned Image Compression
RRSR:Reciprocal Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution with Progressive Feature Alignment and Selection
Contrastive Prototypical Network with Wasserstein Confidence Penalty
Learn to-Decompose: Cascaded Decomposition Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Facial Expression Recognition
Self-Support Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Few-Shot Object Detection with Model Calibration
Self-Supervision Can Be a Good Few-Shot Learner.

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