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ARAH: Animatable Volume Rendering of Articulated Human SDFs
ASpanFormer: Detector-Free Image Matching with Adaptive Span Transformer
NDF: Neural Deformable Fields for Dynamic Human Modelling
Neural Density-Distance Fields
NeXT: Towards High Quality Neural Radiance Fields via Multi-Skip Transformer
Learning Online Multi-sensor Depth Fusion
BungeeNeRF: Progressive Neural Radiance Field for Extreme Multi-Scale Scene Rendering
Decomposing the Tangent of Occluding Boundaries according to Curvatures and Torsions
NeuRIS: Neural Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes Using Normal Priors
Generalizable Patch-Based Neural Rendering
Improving RGB-D Point Cloud Registration by Learning Multi-Scale Local Linear Transformation
Real-Time Neural Character Rendering with Pose-Guided Multiplane Images
SparseNeuS: Fast Generalizable Neural Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Views
Disentangling Object Motion and Occlusion for Unsupervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth
Depth Field Networks for Generalizable Multi-View Scene Representation
Context-Enhanced Stereo Transformer
PCW-Net: Pyramid Combination and Warping Cost Volume for Stereo Matching
Gen6D: Generalizable Model-Free 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation from RGB Images
Latency-Aware Collaborative Perception
TensoRF: Tensorial Radiance Fields
NeFSAC: Neurally Filtered Minimal Samples
SNeS: Learning Probably Symmetric Neural Surfaces from Incomplete Data
HDR-Plenoxels: Self-Calibrating High Dynamic Range Radiance Fields
NeuMan: Neural Human Radiance Field from a Single Video
TAVA: Template-Free Animatable Volumetric Actors
EASNet: Searching Elastic and Accurate Network Architecture for Stereo Matching
Relative Pose from SIFT Features
Selection and Cross Similarity for Event-Image Deep Stereo
D3Net: A Unified Speaker-Listener Architecture for 3D Dense Captioning and Visual Grounding
CIRCLE: Convolutional Implicit Reconstruction and Completion for Large-Scale Indoor Scene
ParticleSfM: Exploiting Dense Point Trajectories for Localizing Moving Cameras in the Wild
4DContrast: Contrastive Learning with Dynamic Correspondences for 3D Scene Understanding
Few Zero Level Set-Shot Learning of Shape Signed Distance Functions in Feature Space
Solution Space Analysis of Essential Matrix Based on Algebraic Error Minimization
Approximate Differentiable Rendering with Algebraic Surfaces
CoVisPose: Co-Visibility Pose Transformer for Wide-Baseline Relative Pose Estimation in 360 Indoor Panoramas
Affine Correspondences between Multi-Camera Systems for 6DOF Relative Pose Estimation
GraphFit: Learning Multi-Scale Graph-Convolutional Representation for Point Cloud Normal Estimation
IS-MVSNet: Importance Sampling-Based MVSNet
Point Scene Understanding via Disentangled Instance Mesh Reconstruction
DiffuStereo: High Quality Human Reconstruction via Diffusion-Based Stereo Using Sparse Cameras
Space-Partitioning RANSAC.

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